Propping Up a Dismal Legacy


Propping Up a Dismal Legacy

Bradley Mattes   |   July 30, 2024


President Biden proposed dramatic changes to the US Supreme Court.  One is no presidential immunity for crimes committed in office.  That’s absurd.  The Court ruled presidents have immunity while conducting official business and crimes are not official business.  Biden also called for term limits and a code of conduct.  But the heart of the matter is the Court’s overturn of Roe.  The Court has no credibility, they claim.  But while the Court was mostly liberals legislating from the bench, it had loads of credibility.  It was only until justices who strictly interpret the constitution became a majority that it hit the fan.  This is a political move to put liberals on our nation’s highest court.  Joe Biden’s pandering to his base in a desperate attempt to prop up a dismal legacy.      

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