Abortionist Runs Over Sidewalk Counselor


Abortionist Runs Over Sidewalk Counselor

Bradley Mattes   |   July 17, 2023

These days it’s a battle defending unborn babies, and Mark Zimmerman a pro-life sidewalk counselor  knows this firsthand.  While standing in the driveway of a Saginaw, Michigan abortion center, 88-year-old abortionist Theodore Roummel ran over him not once but twice, breaking his leg.  The injury required surgery and hardware to repair.  Witnesses saw the abortionist get out of his car and laugh at the victim.  When police arrived, the abortionist then yelled at them.  Sadly, no arrest was made and he went to work killing five unborn babies that day.  Mark said if the roles had been reversed, they would’ve led him away in handcuffs.  Roummel has a history of vehicular assault, hitting a woman about ten years ago.  Violence.  Makes no matter in or outside of the building.

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2 thoughts on “Abortionist Runs Over Sidewalk Counselor

  1. Surely there must be more information on this story? It seems impossible to me that someone can run over another without any repercussions, regardless of what side you’re on of the right to life movement. I trust Life Issues with responsible, non-sensational reporting… please don’t change my mind now.

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