
Two Worrisome Threats Before Us

ve8QAd   |   December 22, 2022

The staff and I at Life Issues Institute wish you a warm and Christ-centered Merry Christmas!

It’s been an exciting year with the reversal of Roe v. Wade, but it hasn’t taken long to see that some very real threats exist to protecting America’s unborn babies and their parents.

Two particular threats have me worried…

I’ve often said that abortion is one of Satan’s favorite and most effective tools to pull souls from Jesus, and that Roe’s demise made him very angry. That anger is evidenced through acts of domestic terrorism against pro-life entities and churches and acts of lies, fearmongering, and discrediting the noble cause of protecting LIFE.

There are two particularly insidious ways in which the abortion industry and their activists plan to continue the status quo of abortion on demand until birth.

First, they have developed a dangerous and illegal network to distribute chemical abortion pills into states where the unborn are protected by legislation. We must expose and thwart their nefarious plans in order to prevent abortion from claiming the lives of more babies while victimizing their mothers with the physical and emotional terror that often results from these dangerous pills.

Second, pro-abortion activists are implementing a plan to introduce statewide referenda that will entrench abortion until birth in state constitutions. They were working diligently to succeed in this past election to either stop pro-life initiatives or support pro-abortion efforts in Montana, Kentucky, Michigan, Vermont, and California. All resulted in devastating losses for LIFE, and in some states, imposed abortion on demand until birth.

These victories were accomplished by massively funded out-of-state groups and individuals who swooped in during the 11th hour with slick ads full of lies and misrepresentations.

Emboldened by these victories, they are now moving forward to impose abortion in Red pro-life states like South Dakota and Ohio. Pro-abortion activists are moving forward to collect signatures to get abortion initiatives on the ballot. Evidence shows that these extreme abortion advocates will intentionally misrepresent what the pro-abortion referenda will do to existing pro-life laws.

A powerful tool to counter these schemes is pro-life education. The other side wins only if they succeed in keeping Americans in the dark concerning their ulterior plans and impact. Therefore, we must expose them and their wealthy supporters.

I hope and pray that you will continue to partner with us in these lifesaving efforts.

2023 is absolutely critical to building on the success of the demise of Roe and turning back the schemes of pro-abortion activists.

Even with these grave challenges ahead, I want to remind you of this:

The creator of the universe, the King of kings and Lord of lords, left his majesty and throne to take on flesh to be born in a filthy, dusty stable.

This infant Jesus, whose birth we celebrate, was born with one mission for his earthly life. He was mercilessly killed by Roman soldiers in the most horrific and inhumane methods their twisted minds could devise.

Jesus suffered all of this and rose victorious because of a love for us that is so mighty and deep our puny mortal minds cannot begin to fathom it.

This same Jesus will not abandon us now.

He still knows the number of hairs on our heads. Of course, some of us make that job easier than others. But the love is the same!

My Christmas prayer is twofold. That Jesus would thwart the physical and otherwise threats against us and the babies we work to save. And I also pray that you will give generously – even more than before – so that we can continue to save the most weak and vulnerable among us.

Merry Christmas dear friend,

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