
A Discrimination Lawsuit in the Making

ve8QAd   |   July 22, 2022

Members of the corporate world are stepping forward, chests puffed up, declaring their loyalty to women everywhere. This new allegiance to feminism is an eager willingness to circumvent state laws and fund abortion costs should women need to travel out of state for abortions.

Don’t be fooled.

Supporting women has nothing to do with their decisions. This is the raw exploitation of women in the workplace disguised in “woke” sheep’s clothing.

Several corporate companies have publicly declared their support for abortion in the work environment. There was a time when corporate America and families were on the same team. Sadly, in many cases big business sees children as a financial drain and an enemy of corporate profits. Thus, women who want to be mothers are frowned upon.

It’s all about the bottom line. Children increase the cost of their healthcare plans. Maternity care and maternity leave are big ticket items. Women are far less likely to be available to work demands every waking hour if they have children to care for and dote over. Leaving work to take a child to the doctor or meet with teachers is considered by many in the corporate world as unnecessary distractions.

And they are willing to use a wealth of resources to nudge women in the direction of abortion.

For example, Dick’s Sporting Goods provides women an incentive of up to $4,000 to abort their babies. Yet similar benefits are not available to women who choose birth and parenting.

It won’t take long before savvy women recognize they are targets of discrimination when they choose to be mothers.

Walt Disney World, seemingly eager to burn their corporate brand to the ground, has incorporated decidedly anti-family polices and describes aborting unborn babies as “quality healthcare.”

These companies are planting their flags on the wrong mountain. And before they break an arm patting themselves on the back, they should pay closer attention to the negative ramifications that money can’t easily negate. By a more than two to one margin (51% to 23%), a YouGov poll shows that Americans oppose corporations taking a position on abortion. A majority of women agree (49% to 23%).

Will these companies face criminal liability for aiding and abetting the violation of state laws against abortion? We can hope. Robin Fretwell Wilson, a law professor at the University of Illinois and healthcare law expert said, “If you can sue me as a person for carrying your daughter across state lines, you can sue Amazon for paying for it.”

This corporate club of abortion activists may believe they are jumping aboard a financial gravy train, but what they are doing devalues women and their babies and puts their stockholders’ profits at risk.

The news isn’t all bleak. Other companies are stepping up to defend and support innocent human life. We can all help by being discerning shoppers.

For babies and their working mothers,

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