The time to comment on President Trump’s Protect Life Rule is quickly coming to a close! The Protect Life Rule would redirect Title X tax dollars from abortion organizations to community health centers that do not promote or provide abortion. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is taking public comments on the Protect Life Rule until July 31st. Below is a one-stop shop for everything you need to know about the Protect Life Rule!
Click to submit your comment right now!
- President Trump’s proposed Protect Life Rule would redirect Title X family planning taxpayer dollars from abortion providers like Planned Parenthood to community health centers that do not promote or provide abortion.
- Before HHS considers the rule, it must go through a public comment period, when those for and against the rule can leave their comments.
- We want to let all of our Life Issues supporters know they need to submit comments on this important rule, which will protect life by defunding Planned Parenthood of up to $60 million each year!
- Pro-abortion groups are urging their activists to flood HHS with negative comments, so it’s imperative that pro-lifers let their voices be heard!
- The Department of Health and Human Services is accepting public comments on the Protect Life Rule only until July 31st, so it’s important to submit your comments right away!
The Latest – “President Trump Makes Pro-Life History”
President Trump has announced “the federal Protect Life Rule, which will direct Title X tax dollars away from Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities and toward pro-life health care centers.”
LifeNews – “Pro-Life Groups Praise President Trump for Defunding Planned Parenthood Again”
Bradley Mattes, President of Life Issues Institute, said “President Trump kept his pro-life promise and just secured another MAJOR pro-life victory! The Protect Life Rule will direct our hard-earned taxpayer dollars AWAY from abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood. Right now, Title X is a slush fund for Planned Parenthood. It is their second biggest source of taxpayer funding at around $60 million per year,” he explained. “This is an historic moment in our decades-long fight to stop taxpayer funding of abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood.”
Brad Mattes on the radio talking about the importance of the Protect Life Rule.
- On Crosstalk w/ Jim Schneider (VCY America)
Life Issues on the Protect Life Rule, “Promise Kept”
Life Issues on the Protect Life Rule, “Only Two Weeks Left”
Social Media
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Support @POTUS Donald Trump’s #ProtectLife Rule, which could defund Planned Parenthood of as much as $60 MILLION each year! Submit your comment today! #DefundPP
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Submit your comment today in support of President Trump’s Protect Life Rule!
Please contact Mike Sabo, Communications Associate, at or (513) 729-3600 to schedule an interview with Brad Mattes about President Trump’s Protect Life Rule.
God is blessing America again
with president Trump in power
undo the ugly curse
that has plagued the United States of America
for way too long
Stop sacrificing innocent lives with abortion
tear down the pornography industry
Stop lying to our youth with evolution
Stop encouraging immoral sexual behavior
and unGodly Ideas of sexuality
Gay unions are not a marriage ordained by omniscient God
Put prayer back in schools
and everywhere for everything
Bless and support Israel and the Jewish nation his people
Because He promises to bless those who bless them
Seek justice love mercy walk humbly with our God
Spare the truly repentent prisoners and execute the obvious
Wicked cereal killers that do not respect the life God has given
We are free!
Not to do whatever we want
But to make right choices before God in whom we trust
His righteousness shall prevail
And his kingdom will never end
I choose to preserve life and not end it. Why instead of funneling tax dollars to an organization that encourages termination we focus on prevention, abstinence, and accountability.
I do NOT want my tax money to fund abortions.
Please stop funding the murder of innocent life. 35 years ago I went to planned parenthood for counsel on what to do about an unplanned pregnancy. Being a a teenage single mother already, it was easy to sway me into the dicision to have a “simple abortion.” NEEDLESS TO SAY I SPENT THE NEXT 30 YEARS SLOWLY BEING TORTURED BY THE FACT OF WHAT I HAD DONE!
I find it incredible, that tax dollars are being used to fund a procedure that so many people oppose, & that clearly violates the medical maxim of “do no harm.” Not only are unborn babies killed, but the medical repercussions for the mother are often exceedingly heinous. I am in favor, of the Protect Life Rule.
Taxpayer dollars should NOT be used to fund abortion. I support President Trump’s Protect Life Rule, in stopping the funneling of millions of taxpayer dollars (Title X Family Planning Tax Dollars) to an organization whose major focus is on abortion – Planned Parenthood. Those taxpayer dollars should instead be provided to pro-life health care centers. No taxpayer should be forced to subsidize the abortion industry! “Family Planning” should not include ending the life of an unborn child. If a pregnant woman/girl does not want a child, there are plenty of childless couples that would nurture and care for that unwanted child through the adoption process.
No taxpayer dollars should used to fund abortion. I support President Trump’s Protect Life Rule, in stopping the funneling of millions of taxpayer dollars (Title X Family Planning Tax Dollars) to an organization whose major focus is on abortion – Planned Parenthood. Those taxpayer dollars should instead be provided to pro-life health care centers. “Family Planning” should not include ending the life of an unborn child. If a pregnant woman/girl does not want a child, there are plenty of childless couples that would nurture and care for that unwanted child through the adoption process.
The Lord has allowed these pregnancies within the boundaries of the man & woman whom have come together. The choice has already been made between them. These babies are at the mercy of American laws. Please help stop this murderous atrocity by educating these pregnant women by providing them with LIFE-giving options at an HHS facility. This will provide thousands more births which the good Lord allowed to PROVIDE for America’s needs. He uses PEOPLE to accomplish His good, acceptable and perfect will. What if Moses had been aborted??—-or Corrie-ten-Boom or President Lincoln or….President Trump?? Let’s use taxpayer money towards LIFE-GIVING, helpful, educational purposes! ?❣️ Thank you~~~
An unborn baby, is a life no matter what stage of pregnancy a women is in. Tax dollars should not be used to provide abortion unless a woman’s life is in danger.
I do not want my tax dollars to support the murder of innocent babies. Thank you President Trump for everything you are doing. May God Bless you and your family!!! You are in my prayers!!!