Easy to Save a Baby

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Easy to Save a Baby

Bradley Mattes   |   January 10, 2017

It can be easy to save a baby and her mother from abortion.  Debbie was in her car on the way to an abortion mill to kill her unborn child.  Like so many other women, Debbie chose abortion because she wasn’t told about the baby growing beneath her heart.  But what she saw on the bumper of the car in front of her changed everything.  The sticker read, “Abortion Stops a Beating Heart.”  This simple bumper strip opened Debbie’s eyes to the reality of her child.  This wasn’t a mass of tissue like she’d been told.  She turned her car around and went home.  Be part of the solution to abortion.  I’ll send you this life-saving bumper strip free.  Simply go to LifeIssues.org and click on the microphone icon.  Let the Lord use you as His witness for LIFE.



Help be a part of protecting unborn babies and their mothers from abortion. Put this life-saving bumper strip on your vehicle and share the good news that preborn children deserve the right to life.  Simply provide the information below and we’ll send you one.  Additional bumper strips can be ordered for $2.00 each. Please allow 30 days for delivery.

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