
The Jackal Bares Its Teeth: Planned Parenthood Attacks

ve8QAd   |   January 29, 2016

Just when you think America’s moral compass couldn’t get any more dysfunctional . . .

The bad guys are hailed as good guys, and the good guys who exposed the bad guys become the bad guys instead.


I’m talking of course about the Harris County, Texas, grand jury that was supposed to investigate Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast for harvesting and selling baby body parts. Instead, they turned around and indicted David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt. David and Sandra are the whistleblowers who spent nearly three years documenting Planned Parenthood’s horrifying sideline and then released the damning video evidence.

Worse, the grand jury didn’t even vote on accusations against Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, according to the Associated Press.

And surprise! Harris County Assistant DA Lauren Reeder is a member of the board of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast. Her LinkedIn profile also identifies her as a “member and former co-chair of Planned Parenthood Young Leaders,” working “to cultivate the next generation of donors and community leaders committed to the mission of Planned Parenthood.”

DA Devon Anderson
DA Devon Anderson was happy to applaud the results of a different sting operation.

District Attorney Devon Anderson was asked to recuse her office from the case but refused, even though her actions on a previous abortion-related grand jury drew broad criticism. A 2013 grand jury declined to indict abortionist Douglas Karpen for doing illegal late-term abortions, even in the face of damning images of his victims.

David and Sandra have both been charged with one count of “tampering with government documents,” a felony. David also has been charged with one count of attempting to purchase fetal tissue, a misdemeanor. The worst-case scenario on conviction is 20 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Really?! For using methods of investigative journalism that have withstood legal challenges over and over?

When the videos first broke last July, Planned Parenthood loudly asserted their innocence and pretended to be sorry about the “tone” of their top executive as she sipped her wine and described her skill at collecting intact baby organs. They hired an analyst to debunk the videos, but despite huffing and puffing about cuts—like bathroom breaks—their own experts eventually reported, “This analysis did not reveal widespread evidence of substantive video manipulation.”

Despite their outrage and protests, though, Planned Parenthood made no legal moves. A lawsuit means discovery, which entitles the defense to information about the abortion giant that’s otherwise unavailable. Then, in December, Congress passed a bill that would have taken away 89 percent of Planned Parenthood’s funding. President Obama vetoed it—of course—but Planned Parenthood understood the implications. A pro-life president would have signed that bill.

Now Planned Parenthood has gone full out on offense. On January 14 they filed a federal lawsuit against David and his colleagues, alleging their undercover journalism constitutes criminal enterprise under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). The same law used to bring down organized crime. The same law used to prosecute money laundering, securities fraud, drug cartels and terrorism.

The first five undercover videos were released this past summer.  Coverage by left-leaning networks ABC, CBS, and NBC totaled 23 minutes and 32 seconds combined, out of 243 hours and 30 minutes of available news time. Their talking heads obediently parroted Planned Parenthood’s “heavily edited” talking points, believing they were actually being journalists.

DA Devon Anderson
Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson

But the liberal media salivated over the Harris County indictments and all major outlets have reported it repeatedly. USA Today gave the story the starred “News Recommended” spot on its home page.  The extreme left sites such as RH Reality Check and Salon are beside themselves with delight.

The indictments are pure political intimidation. Behind the pretty pink façade of Planned Parenthood is a jackal with teeth bared. They’ve been cornered by the investigative skills of David Daleiden and resultant public outrage, but they won’t go quietly. They fully intend to make David an example for anyone else who dares speak the truth in all its video glory. Please keep David and his legal team in your prayers, and keep sharing the truth about Planned Parenthood—everywhere and every chance you get.

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