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Fasten Your Seatbelts. It’s Going to be a Bumpy Night.

ve8QAd   |   October 01, 2015

This famous quote by actress Bette Davis describes the political season America is entering.  “Bumpy” is an understatement!

I was in Bogota, Colombia, in July and a young Venezuelan man with impeccable English and a better knowledge of American politics than 80 percent of our voters asked me the inevitable question.  “How is it that Mr. Donald Trump is the favorite candidate of the Republican Party?”  My response then was he’s a flash in the pan and would implode any day now.  I was wrong.

As I write, America is showing surprising support for two candidates: Senator Bernie Saunders, an avowed Socialist, and Donald Trump, a person who defies description.  How can they be viable candidates?  It’s impossible to predict how this presidential election will turn out, but we know what got us here.

For what feels like eons, Congress and various presidents have turned a deaf ear to Americans and it’s finally catching up with them.  They spend our tax dollars like drunken sailors; they often exempt themselves from the twisted laws they make; and the morals and values of many qualify them as mayor of Sodom and Gomorrah, not Congress.  And then there’s Barack Obama, who seems determined to undermine our constitution and unilaterally change our beloved nation into something unrecognizable.

Now millions of legitimately ticked off voters are fed up and want real change (not the Obama-ized version), and they want it now.

But Congress still doesn’t get it.  Republicans have a campaign issue in the Planned Parenthood videos that reveal the most sadistic and twisted covert activity imaginable.  Yet it’s like pulling teeth to get them to boldly present a budget that doesn’t fund the abortion giant.  If they succeeded, our efforts to end the holocaust of abortion would take a huge leap forward.

Lest we point fingers only outward, we have to look also to our own ranks for some of America’s ills.

I could retire to a sandy beach if I had a dollar for every time a Christian told me during the last two presidential elections, “McCain isn’t pro-life enough” or “I’m not voting for a Mormon.”  And despite overwhelming evidence that Mr. Obama would be the most aggressively pro-abortion president in our history, a substantial number of self-professed Christians voted for him anyway.  They kicked millions of innocent unborn babies to the curb for an expected economic return that never came.

Voters who refused to cast a ballot for the best possible candidate are partially responsible for the havoc inflicted on our nation.  They enabled Obamacare, which includes massive government funding of abortion; appointments of justices to the US Supreme Court and appellate courts who routinely legislate from the bench and support abortion on demand without apologies; and an almighty government that’s forcing individuals and corporations to fund and promote abortion-causing drugs.  Without Mr. Obama and his ilk we wouldn’t have had homosexual marriage forced down our throats and face arrest for refusing to participate in whatever perversion is now politically correct.  The list could go on.

I understand everyone’s outrage.  I feel it myself.  Every day I grieve for our nation and generations who were never taught the concept of self-denial for the benefit of others and who think the world revolves around selfies on social networks.  I worry about the increasing number of Americans who don’t understand the importance of a strong military defense; who aren’t moved when the Stars and Stripes is raised during the National Anthem; and who are swayed by relentless hateful attacks against those who stand on a solid foundation of Christian beliefs.

America is facing very difficult years ahead.  But if everyone who holds to conservative and/or pro-life beliefs would research every candidate’s stand on abortion—from the local school board to the president—and vote for the best viable option, with God’s help we could turn things around.

So make sure that seatbelt is securely fastened around your waist, because we’re in for many bumpy nights through the various primaries and 2016 election in November.  And avoid the temptation of supporting only the “perfect” pro-life candidate.  He or she doesn’t exist.  Use your God-given smarts to find out which viable candidates can best protect our right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.  Note that life is listed first.

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