
Pants on Fire

ve8QAd   |   September 02, 2015

With nine videos now showing Planned Parenthood trafficking in baby body parts, people who still think it’s a good organization must have their heads in the sand.

After being caught like a deer in the headlights, Planned Parenthood is aggressively on the defensive. The Washington Post reported, “Planned Parenthood is using virtually every tool in its lobbying arsenal to defend against attacks from conservatives and anti-abortion activists.”

In other words, against you.

“[Its] counter-offensive is widespread and varied . . .,” the Post continued. “The group has been organizing rallies, flooding lawmakers’ town hall meetings, commissioning polls, shelling out six figures for television ads and hiring forensics experts to try to discredit undercover video footage that sparked the controversy.”

Your tax dollars at work.

The bottom line really is the bottom line for tissue procurement companies like Advanced BioScience Resources.

In an 11-page letter to Congress, Richards downplays Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of baby body parts. Repeatedly she says only a few affiliates offer women the “opportunity” to donate their babies’ broken bodies. Even for those few, she says, “[T]here is absolutely no indication they have deviated from the law or done anything inappropriate. . . . If an affiliate chooses to accept reimbursement for allowable expenses, it must be able to demonstrate the reimbursement represents its actual costs. Our affiliates involved with fetal tissue research comply with this requirement.”

But Abortionist Deborah Nucatola, senior director of medical services for Planned Parenthood, repeatedly said on camera that Planned Parenthood by choice doesn’t have a policy on fetal tissue procurement and payment. Richards claims Planned Parenthood’s guidance follows federal law on payments, but as CMP wrote in its own letter to Congress, “versions of this same guidance from 2005 and 2011 make no mention of the payment issue whatsoever. In fact, the previous versions of the guidance show that between 2005 and 2011, PPFA chose to stop monitoring affiliate fetal tissue programs as part of the affiliate recertification process.”

[tweetthis]”Between 2005 and 2011, PPFA chose to stop monitoring affiliate fetal tissue programs.”[/tweetthis]


And “a few affiliates”? My mother always told me to never lie because a lie will eventually catch up with you and bite you in the backside. Through its hidden camera interviews, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has counted at least 14 affiliates in the dirty business of killing, dissecting and selling babies for money in the last five years.

Richards told Congress Planned Parenthood receives $60 per specimen. But the fee schedule of Advanced BioScience Resources (ABR), which has a long term contract with Planned Parenthood, offers payments of $340 for babies from 8 to 12 weeks gestation and $540 for babies from 13 to 24 weeks. Talk about “pants on fire!”

In the new video, procurement manager Perrin Larton clearly says that ABR employees stand outside the abortion rooms (I’m picturing vultures on a carcass) and take the body parts “immediately after.” So what exactly is Planned Parenthood doing to warrant reimbursement of any kind, let alone $540 or even $60? Where is that money in the ledger? In testimony before the Texas State Senate, former abortion facility owner Carol Everett referred to “two sets of books.” Is that where illegal profit hides?

Or does it hide in kickbacks to abortion facility staff masked as “adviser fees”? StemExpress CEO Cate Dyer, who started out at ABR, dished on the cozy relationship between abortion facilities and ABR. “There have been some staff in the past that have been on the payroll with ABR in an advisory role,” she said. Alas, that relationship makes it hard for other (vulture) procurement companies to break in, she advises.

No matter how hard Planned Parenthood tries to hide it, the truth will come out and bite them in the backside. It may have to be dragged out kicking and screaming, but it will come out. Eventually even people who believe it’s good to kill babies will have to pull their heads out of the sand and face reality. You and I must counter what Planned Parenthood is doing to keep Americans in the dark. Visit the one-stop location on our website and learn how you can respond to this gruesome trafficking of baby body parts.

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