Images Change the Heart of a Nation

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Images Change the Heart of a Nation

Bradley Mattes   |   August 05, 2015

The latest video featuring the ugly brutality of Planned Parenthood came out yesterday, and frankly, I’m still reeling from it. The carnage is beyond description, certainly on this family-friendly radio station. But America needs to see what abortion does to its victims. Just like critical issues facing our nation in years past—slavery, the Holocaust, civil rights and Vietnam. The images depicting the horrors of each crisis changed the heart of a nation. We’ve come to a crossroad with abortion. God’s placed the reality in front of everyone to see. And He wants to know what we’ll do with this newfound knowledge. If you haven’t seen these videos, visit today’s broadcast link at life issues dot org. You will find links to all of them with additional information. It’s time to get to work. A few  key things YOU can do to help protect babies and their mothers from the abortion industry:

  • Pray. Pray. Pray. James 5:16b says: The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
  • Contact your elected officials. They need to keep hearing from you. And pray.
  • Share these links with others: family, friends, neighbors, church members, coworkers. Encourage them to act on their belief that all innocent human life is sacred. And pray.
  • Use your social network accounts: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others to help shine a light on the ugly and brutal reality of abortion. If you don’t do it, who will?? And pray.

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