Don’t be Discouraged

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Don’t be Discouraged

Bradley Mattes   |   August 06, 2015

The senate voted on defunding the abortion giant, Planned Parenthood but failed to get the necessary sixty votes to override a filibuster. But don’t be discouraged. Just two years ago we never imagined we’d get a clear majority of senators to vote this way. Now, it’s more important than ever to elect a pro-life president. That way we can attach the funding vote to another bill, pass it with only a majority vote and then get a pro-life president to sign it into law. If we can stop the more than half-billion tax dollars going to Planned Parenthood, we’ll bankrupt them and then be MUCH closer to ending abortion. Planned Parenthood is the most powerful and aggressive pro-abortion lobby on the state and federal levels. But we can’t do it without you. You and everyone you know must vote pro-life next November.

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