Special Needs Kids Sorting Trash

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Special Needs Kids Sorting Trash

Bradley Mattes   |   January 08, 2015

Here’s one of those news stories that may challenge your Christian attitude toward others.  A school district in Southern California held a functional skills program at Patriot High School.  It was designed to teach students life skills they’ll need when on their own.  Someone there had the bright idea to have the special needs class sort through trash bins for recyclables.  The parents didn’t take this lying down.  They said it was humiliating to their children and needlessly exposed them to germs.  The heated meeting ended with the Superintendent making a public apology and of course stopping the program.  Sadly, some knuckle-dragging individual sees kids with autism and Down syndrome as less than fully human.  These kids have TONS of potential and should be encouraged to grow and learn.


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