
It’s Time

ve8QAd   |   November 03, 2014

Once again that season is almost upon us.  No, I don’t mean Christmas.

I’m talking about the election.  Tomorrow you have the opportunity to hire the people who’ll be speaking for you in Washington, DC, your state capital and local community.

If you’re tempted to move on to another email or dismiss the importance of electing pro-life candidates, first read this.  Texas voters elected pro-life state representatives and senators, plus a pro-life governor.  As a result, these elected officials passed pro-life legislation that after only one year has saved enough lives from abortion to populate a small Texas town.  Yes, that’s remarkable!  And year after year, more babies will be saved and their parents spared the horrible anguish abortion so often leaves in its wake.

Voting-boothsTexas answered the call and they’re saving babies. Now it’s your turn. Find out who your pro-life candidates are on the local, state and federal levels and vote for them. It’s easy. Use the internet. Then find at least five persons you can equip with this information and make sure they go to the polls to do the same.

Let me ask you this. Are you content to allow Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to continue blocking all pro-life legislation passed by the House? No, I didn’t think so. Do you want to stop your tax dollars from funding Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest chain of abortion facilities and the most aggressive lobbyist for abortion-on-demand? Do you want to save babies with federal legislation that stops abortion after the fifth month of pregnancy when an unborn baby can clearly feel pain?

baby-wombThis and more is possible if you vote pro-life and get others to join you. Tuesday is critically important to the babies who’ll be saved from abortion. It’s also important to you and me, who will benefit from their future contributions to our nation and communities.

It’s time to stop complaining about pro-abortion members of Congress. It’s time to vote for someone better to replace them.

If I sound a little testy about this topic, that’s because I am. I still haven’t come to terms with Christians who voted to re-elect Barack Obama, the most pro-abortion president in our nation’s history. I’m still sickened by those who kicked the unborn to the curb in favor of the economy. To them I ask, how’s this “new and improved” economy working out for you?

It’s time. We can do this.

Every day you don’t get involved and vote pro-life, over 3,000 babies die in America’s abortion mills. That’s like six fully loaded 747s crashing and killing everyone on board. Every day. You need to make voting pro-life on Tuesday a priority. Otherwise you bear some of the guilt for their deaths.

When you meet God face to face, what will you say if He asks, “Why didn’t you help protect my babies? Why didn’t you exercise the cherished right I gave you to vote in your governing authorities?”

I’m going to vote on Tuesday. And I’m going to vote like life depends on it—because it does. Join me.

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