Forced Abortion

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Forced Abortion

Bradley Mattes   |   July 22, 2014

Brian Schultz is spending a year in jail after pleading guilty for beating his pregnant daughter.  He and his wife, Renee, took their daughter to an abortion mill, but she refused to abort the baby.  As a result, she got bruises on her face and arms, she said, because she was trying to protect her unborn child from the blows.  Thankfully, the baby was born with no injuries.  It’s reported that about seventy-percent of women say they felt coerced or forced into having an abortion.  But as long as abortion is a lucrative business and the government keeps funding it, babies will continue to die and more women will be harmed—either by those forcing her to have an abortion or those or the abortion industry eager and willing to violate women’s rights to make more of their blood money.

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