
Lost Motherhood

ve8QAd   |   February 21, 2014

There’s a group of women Planned Parenthood doesn’t want to talk about. In fact, they won’t even admit they exist. They’ll gladly usher vulnerable women into their abortion chambers. But when those very same women experience physical or psychological effects of their abortion, they’re considered an anomaly. They don’t fit the façade the abortion industry has carefully built for public consumption. According to the Planned Parenthood website, there are no long-term risks associated with abortion. They reject any link between abortion and breast cancer. They deny that women may experience intense psychological consequences. And they claim there’s no relationship between abortion and infertility, miscarriage or future premature birth. Call it misleading, neglectful or deceptive, Planned Parenthood’s marketing is intentionally designed to point women in one direction—in favor of abortion.

The ramifications for women’s health and future fertility are huge. Planned Parenthood cites that in the US, an estimated 4 out of 10 women facing an unplanned pregnancy will choose abortion. That means millions of women are post-abortive. What’s important to note is the impact may not be felt immediately. Many women experience an initial sense of relief. In their minds, their “problem” has been taken care of. Later, when issues do surface, she may not make the connection that there’s a link to her abortion experience. These women then suffer from what seems to be unexplained physical or mental conditions.

A study from Norway shows that abortion can be tied to long-term psychological distress. For five years, researchers followed women who had miscarriages and women who had abortions. What they discovered was that women who suffered a miscarriage, experienced more anxiety and depression early on. But abortion was associated with increased anxiety two years and five years after the event.

Pro-abortion activists want you to believe that abortion is “safe.” Not true. And when things go wrong, it can be physically devastating. Planned Parenthood in Birmingham, Alabama was sued when a botched abortion left a young woman infertile. Roberta Clark came to have a “safe and legal” first-trimester abortion. An ultrasound was performed and the worker concluded that she was eight weeks, four days pregnant with an intrauterine pregnancy. A pelvic exam was given confirming the same diagnosis. Tragically, that was not the case. Following the suction abortion procedure, Roberta experienced nausea, vomiting and pelvic pain. She didn’t receive any follow up care, even though no fetal parts were found in the pathology report. It was 25 days later that she was hospitalized and underwent emergency surgery. She had suffered an undiagnosed and untreated ectopic pregnancy, missed by Planned Parenthood’s abortionist and staff. It resulted in a ruptured fallopian tube, leaving her infertile. Roberta was placed in a life-threatening situation because of Planned Parenthood’s negligence. Her life will never be the same.

Over her lifetime, a woman can pay a very high cost for her abortion. Some women discover they’ve made the ultimate sacrifice and lost their only chance of motherhood. This can bring a grief that’s heartbreaking to bear.

Emilee was a 20-year-old college student with dreams of a modeling career when she became pregnant. She trusted Planned Parenthood’s so-called “counseling.” It was full of scare tactics like “you don’t want a screaming toddler or out-of-control teenager.” And they assured her the baby was just a blob of cells. At 12 weeks along, they pressured her to make the decision quickly, and abortion seemed like the easy answer. After the abortion procedure, Emilee recalls feeling sick and drugged. When she asked to lay down, Planned Parenthood’s compassion went out the door. They gave Emilee her clothing and told her they needed her bed for another patient. It was in that moment she already began to wish she could have her baby back. In the years that followed, Emilee married and they immediately began to try to have a family. But there would be no pregnancy. The couple endured years, and tens of thousands of dollars of infertility treatments. She reached out to Planned Parenthood for help multiple times. “Fact is, they don’t care to find out (about abortion causing infertility). What studies have they ever conducted to find out? Who have they surveyed? I’d like to know,” Emilee pleaded. “So much for them caring about ‘reproductive rights’—what a joke—they took my reproductive rights away from me.” Emilee spent over 20 years trying to achieve a pregnancy. Not only that, her relationship with her husband suffered because of her inability to conceive. As a result, her marriage ended. Now she looks back in hindsight and sadly says, “The best career I could have ever had in life would have been that of ‘mom.’”

No matter what the studies, statistics and personal stories, pro-abortion activists will never admit there are long-term consequences of abortion. At-risk women will continue to be deceived. That’s why we must remain a life-affirming voice, willing to educate and share the truths the abortion industry doesn’t want women to know. A wise doctor once relayed this poignant sentiment, “I’ve had many women sit in that chair and say they regret their abortions. But none have ever said they regret having their child.” Now, that’s what more women need to know.

For the lives of mothers and their babies,

Bradley Mattes
Life Issues Institute

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