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It’s Over. Or is It?

ve8QAd   |   November 07, 2012

The election is over. Finally, it’’s over. For those of us in Ohio, as well as pro-lifers in other swing states, it couldn’’t have come soon enough. However, the result was nothing less than tragic. Barack Obama, the most pro-abortion president in our nation’’s history, has four more years to continue his aggressive assault on unborn babies and their parents. Furthermore, the chronically ill and infirm will bear the deadly brunt of rationing life-saving medical services under Obamacare.

If you think the first four years were bad, just wait. You may recall Mr. Obama’’s comment to former Russian President Dmitri Medvedev when he thought nobody was listening. His response to the Russian leader regarding missile defense was, “”This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.””

Now that Mr. Obama has no fear of facing the voters again, it won’’t be just defense issues the president will vigorously pursue. Expect him and his administration to go after the most vulnerable among us——and the outcome will be deadly.

Clearly, we’’re facing a difficult struggle in our efforts to protect innocent human life from womb to tomb, but that’’s no reason to lose heart——or worse——give up. I remember well the dark days of the Clinton administration. It was an understatement to say the White House was hostile toward preborn children, and the media gleefully declared the pro-life movement dead.

President Clinton showed his zealous pro-abortion mindset by even vetoing the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban, which was killing a baby during delivery. But, in the end, we proved the White House and media wrong. The pro-life movement not only survived the Clinton onslaught, we moved further toward our goal of ending abortion.

We didn’’t roll over and play dead for Bill Clinton, and we certainly have no intention of doing so for Barack Obama.

President Richard Nixon’’s words are good advice for pro-lifers today on the political battlefront. “”You’’ve got to learn to survive a defeat. That’’s when you develop character.”” If you feel you’’ve already got plenty of character, evidently the Lord feels otherwise, and has demonstrated it by this latest election.

During the year ahead, there will be intense pressure on our pro-life friends in the US Senate and House to cave in to the president and his pro-abortion colleagues. These courageous warriors in Congress stand in the way of Barack Obama’’s attack on innocent life. We must intensify our efforts to educate and motivate them to be bold, to stand firm and to not give in—no matter what.

This election didn’’t change the reality that millions of lives still depend upon our efforts. God is now asking on us to continue being faithful to our call in protecting those He dearly loves: —His unborn lambs, the elderly and those who are vulnerable or infirm. What will your answer be?

I’’m rolling up my sleeves and getting back to work with a stronger passion than ever before, and I hope you’’ll join me. Here are some ways to begin:

  • Visit this link for a list of pro-life activities you and others can do to protect innocent human life.
  • Contact me at and I’’ll connect you with a local pro-life organization in your area.
  • Tell others about this free weekly update to keep them in the loop on crucial pro-life developments and issues. They can subscribe here.
  • If pro-life activity isn’’t possible, please consider a donation to Life Issues Institute to provide critical help in the urgent months ahead. Every gift, no matter what size, will help save lives.

Yes, we suffered a big setback this week, but we know we can lean on the One who controls everything. Psalm 46:1-3 says it well: “”God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.””

It may feel like all of those things are happening now, but——to borrow a campaign theme——we can move “forward.” And we can do it without fear.

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