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The Three Deadliest Words in the World

ve8QAd   |   September 07, 2012

“It’’s a girl” has become a three-word death sentence to hundreds of millions of unborn babies across the globe. The United Nations estimates as many as 200 million girls are missing in the world today because of female gendercide. Killed, aborted and abandoned: —these are the brutal realities of the actual “war on women.”

The worst offenders are India and China—countries where ancient cultural traditions, dictating a preference for male offspring, join with pro-abortion government policies. It’s a deadly combination that allows for the deliberate extermination of girls. However, no country is immune, including the United States. Recently, a disturbing story and photograph went viral. A woman, very visibly pregnant with twins , decided to have an abortion because they were girls. Keep in mind that gender is determined via ultrasound near the 20th week of pregnancy, meaning this mother was well into her second trimester when she had her babies aborted. Also, this summer, the investigative pro-life group, Live Action, released a series of videos called Protect Our Girls , which exposed Planned Parenthood’s disturbing practice of actually doing gender-based abortions. They claim to be “nonjudgmental,” essentially stating they don’t question the reasons why a mother wishes to end the life of her unborn child. I can’t think of anything more judgmental than sentencing a baby girl to death simply because she’s female.

And I can’t think of any other act that is motivated by more ruthless discrimination. Pro-abortion activists like Planned Parenthood are accusing pro-life individuals and candidates for participating in a “war on women.” What utter hypocrisy. All the while they’re searching out and killing unborn babies only because they’re female. There’s no graver war on women than this.

Sadly, Planned Parenthood isn’t alone. There are many who refuse to acknowledge this travesty taking place across the globe, or worse yet, they participate in it. However, I’m privileged to know someone who’s made it her mission to combat this ignorance and crime against humanity. She’s bringing it to the forefront in a way that it can be addressed educationally, morally and actionably. he is Reggie Littlejohn, president of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers .

Reggie is part of the production team for an eye-opening film releasing this month. It’s a Girl is a powerful documentary that takes this international issue and makes it personal. Shot on location in India and China, you meet girls and women who’ve been impacted by this brutal practice. The film tells the stories of abandoned and trafficked girls, of women who suffer extreme dowry-related violence, of brave mothers fighting to save their daughters’ lives and of other mothers who would kill for a son. These faces, and the millions of others like them, are the reason female gendercide can’t be ignored any longer. It must be addressed and ultimately it must be ended.

Abortion for the purposes of sex-selection is a horrific testimony of where the so-called “pro-choice” mentality of the abortion industry inevitably leads. When pregnancy becomes a “choice” rather than a child, there’s no limitation to why a woman can decide to end her unborn baby’s life.

You and I have a choice to make too. We can choose to be silent and pretend these little girls aren’t being slaughtered, or we can choose to take a stand. Here’s how:

  • First, if there’s only one thing you do, please watch this trailer for It’s a Girl and share it with those you know.
  • But you need to do more. Find a location in your community that could host a screening of the movie including: theatres, universities, community centers, churches, etc.
  • Contact a pro-life group in your area and suggest inviting Reggie Littlejohn to come and speak on this topic at a viewing of the film or another pro-life event.
  • Educate yourself by watching Cries From China , an episode of our Emmy® Award-winning TV program, Facing Life Head-On, when I met Reggie for the first time.

Pro-abortion activists may believe these baby girls don’t have a voice, but they do. You and I are the voice for the future generation of girls (and boys) and we won’t be silenced.

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