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Serial Killings Funded by You

ve8QAd   |   May 18, 2012

You probably still remember Andrea Yates who nearly 11 years ago drowned her four young sons and infant daughter, one after another, in the family’s bathtub. The horror of this crime was unimaginable. The media headlines pounced on the story with intense coverage and dramatic headlines. The justice system responded by arresting, prosecuting and convicting Yates for the murders. It was clear that killing her five children was a crime. Yet, if she had merely killed each of them prior to birth—through repeat abortions—it would be labeled “a choice,” “reproductive freedom” or a “legal right.”

Repeat abortions are an alarming and disheartening reality. After experiencing one abortion, women can be susceptible to having a second, third or even more in the future. Unfortunately, due to the misconception that abortion is a medical procedure and a woman’s “choice,” many women have come to use abortion as a form of contraception.

This week, a report from the United Kingdom shared the startling statistic that their British version of Obamacare paid £1 million (nearly $1.3 million US dollars) of taxpayers’ money each week providing repeat abortions.

The London Daily Mail, a newspaper, reported that British taxpayers fund up to nine abortions in a woman’’s lifetime.

The number of repeat abortions in the US is much more tragic. A 2006 study conducted by the Guttmacher Institute (the research arm of Planned Parenthood) found that 48 percent of women having abortions had undergone a previous abortion. Imagine the outrage if this atrocity of killing siblings occurred when these children were out of the womb.

Also imagine how many repeat abortions you and I will be paying for under Obamacare. Better yet, let’s do the math. Based on an estimate of 1.2 million annual abortions—575,000 of those likely repeat abortions, under Obamacare—and the average costs of the procedures; we’ll be forced to potentially pay up to $8 million per week here in the US for repeat abortions. This doesn’t even include the costs you’ll pay for all the first-time abortions.

Under the pro-abortion Obama administration, our country not only continues to permit serial killing within the womb, but we’ll also be forced to provide the funding to support the killing of innocent, defenseless unborn children.

Even one abortion is a tragedy. However, the loss is compounded greatly when you consider the grave impact repeat abortions have in destroying families and dehumanizing motherhood. I can’t fathom the depths of anguish and despair that these women of repeated abortions will be subjected to. And yet, somehow those on the side of abortion continue the lies, falsely claiming their efforts are to support so-called “women’s health.” We cannot afford to be silent. Let’s take this issue to heart and to the ballot box to protect the lives of babies and their mothers.

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