On Tuesday, media outlets reported and confirmed that the Komen Foundation—the most prominent breast cancer research and fundraising organization—has severed financial ties with Planned Parenthood, a kingpin in the abortion industry.
This is one of the most concrete examples to date of what can happen when pro-lifers band together in the common cause of protecting innocent human life. It’s a huge victory.
Several years ago, Life Issues Institute launched a concentrated campaign to educate donors about Komen Foundation’s close association with and funding of Planned Parenthood. With the known connection between abortion and breast cancer—confirmed in numerous worldwide studies since 1957—the partnership between the two organizations has baffled many.
During 2010, 18 Komen affiliates gave more than a half-million dollars in grants to Planned Parenthood. Since 2005, more than $3 million has gone toward Planned Parenthood’s abortion mills from the Komen Foundation.
Since our campaign began, it’s gained significant traction thanks to fellow pro-life organizations and individuals like you who’ve been key ambassadors in spreading the word. I’m excited to tell you that even CBS News took notice by linking to Life Issues Institute’s Facebook page in their report on the Komen-Planned Parenthood rift. Click here for details.
What surprised me most was that they printed my statement in its entirety. I’ve emphasized it in bold in the linked article.
I hope you’ll find this recent victory encouraging and take heart for the future. Our efforts to defend life are being noticed on a wide scale. And it’s ruffled the feathers of the pro-abortion community.
Pro-abortion activists are now slanderously attacking with a falsehood that Komen’s decision politicizes the breast cancer issue—a charge that Komen has denied. In reality, what infuriates them is the cutting off of another source of cash flow for the abortion industry and an enormous loss of credibility. Komen was Planned Parenthood’s feather in their cap in claiming legitimacy in the medical community.
Komen’s getting bombarded with vicious attacks from pro-aborts. Please take a moment to let Komen know you support their decision.
The outcry from Planned Parenthood’s activists—their vehement rhetoric in response to the news—is a temper tantrum of the worst kind. When all is said and done, it only demonstrates that it’s really been Planned Parenthood’s mission all along to politicize women’s health.
Their true colors are exposed now more than ever and it certainly isn’t pink.
By holding fast at all costs to an agenda that’s taken millions of innocent lives from babies and endangered just as many women, the nation’s largest abortion chain has made it blatantly clear: Generating income from abortion is their one hill on which to die.
At the end of the day, it really raises the ultimate question: Who’s holding women’s health hostage?
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