Abortion activists at NARAL, a radical pro-abortion organization, have a problem. They’re running out of committed supporters and don’t know why.
The group just released survey results showing an “intensity gap” among young voters. More than half of pro-lifers under age 30 considered abortion a “very important” voting issue, compared to just one-quarter of abortion-minded youth. This comes at the heels of a Gallup poll announcing that 18- to 29-year-olds are now the most likely, of all age groups, to favor making abortion illegal in all circumstances.
The wave of pro-life passion puzzles NARAL President Nancy Keenan. In this week’s Newsweek magazine, Keenan recalled her visit to the March for Life rally in Washington, DC. The annual event drew tens of thousands of energized pro-lifers. “I just thought, my gosh, they are so young,” she told the reporter. “There are so many of them, and they are so young.”
Pro-abortion activists aren’t accustomed to seeing so many young people in their circles. A natural outshoot of choosing a line of work that promotes death. But like most other aging abortion proponents, Keenan can’t seem to connect the dots. Where, they marvel, have all their young supporters gone? Former NARAL President Kate Michelman admits information is on the side of pro-lifers. “The technology has clearly helped to define how people think about a fetus as a full, breathing human being,” she told Newsweek. “The other side has been able to use the technology to its own end.”
And she’s right. Our mission at Life Issues Institute is to educate communities with the truth, and we’re succeeding every day. Mothers continually tell us they decided against an abortion because they saw their baby by ultrasound-that they walked out of the abortion mill because of a compelling photograph. That they changed their mind because they read a brochure about the development of their unborn baby.
But there’s an even more obvious, and tragic explanation for NARAL’s problem. The mathematical reality is that their supporters grew up, exercised their “right” to kill their children, and now who’s left? A lot of blossoming families who do value life.
The beauty of the pro-life movement is our children. From small beginnings, they grow to become influential young adults who can stand for life, because they have it. Until every child is guaranteed that right to life, we will continue to fight with passion, with hope and with truth on our side.
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