They say that for each year of a human’s life, it’s seven for a dog. The life-year comparison for man and computer is even greater. But there’s one that gets the prize hands down—one life-year for humans versus politics. Just 12 short months ago pro-lifers were reeling from the installation of the most pro-abortion president and Congress in history. Reality quickly showed that our fears were well-founded. They began an all-out attack against America’s unborn babies. The pro-life movement was also in the Obama administration’s crosshairs.
What a difference a year can make in politics! For more detail on what 2010 may have in store, read Dr. Willke’s article on page 4. I’d like to add a grassroots perspective to his encouraging electoral predictions. Having just returned from a whirlwind week of travel, I am very encouraged about the future of stopping abortion.
The film crew and I went to Houston, TX to cover a huge protest against Planned Parenthood. It’s building the largest abortion mill in the Western Hemisphere. Watch for the soon-to-be aired episode on Facing Life Head-On (visit for details). The mill will be the second largest in the world—second only to one in China. It is 6 stories and 78,000 square feet of killing center, with the entire 3rd floor dedicated exclusively to late-term abortion. And it’s located smack-dab in the middle of 4 minority neighborhoods, all at least 80% Black or Hispanic.
What the crew and I witnessed during this two-day event was heartening to say the least. Over 10,000 of Planned Parenthood’s neighbors took them on in a public way. The crowd was upbeat, passionate and diverse, not to mention young. Those who are the very target of Planned Parenthood’s marketing plan said loudly and clearly, “We don’t want your abortions! Go away!”
During a silent walk through impoverished minority neighborhoods, 3 media helicopters circled overhead. Satellite trucks from major media networks had a constant presence. An expansive bank of TV cameras captured the press conference outside the abortion mill under construction. The pro-life community of Houston had been awakened and is moving into action to defend the defenseless. It’s an unmistakable sign that the majority is speaking and they’re calling out for life.
From Houston I traveled to Washington, DC for pro-life leadership meetings and to take part in some of the events surrounding the 37th anniversary of Roe. People were pouring into the nation’s capitol by the tens of thousands for the 36th March for Life. Every year Americans gather, often in winter’s cold grip, to demonstrate to Congress, the President and the world that a compassionate nation doesn’t need abortion. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to stay for the March for Life. I had to fly to San Francisco where I was meeting the film crew to cover the 6th annual Walk for Life West Coast. Here was a bunch of gutsy pro-lifers making a very public stand against abortion in arguably one of the most liberal and pro-abortion cities in the nation.
The night before the Walk I interviewed Eva Muntean and Dolores Meehan, the organizers of the event from its conception. They’re pro-lifers with attitude—the good kind! You don’t lead thousands of pro-lifers down the Embarcadero, with thousands of aggressive pro-abortion counter protesters, unless you’ve got backbones and wills of steel.
That was the situation during their first Walk in 2005. The hardcore pro-abortion counter protesters, organized by Planned Parenthood, numbered half the size of those walking. Even the San Francisco mayor and members of City Counsel protested. There were several arrests that day, but only of pro-abortion activists. Pro-life walkers remained calm, quiet and polite. It was a public relations disaster for Planned Parenthood. Since then the number of counter protesters has dwindled to a handful, while the size of the crowd standing up for life grew to an estimated 40,000 this year. In spite of pouring rain, cold temperatures and a hostile environment, these ambassadors for life walked for those who can’t—preborn children.
At the end of the procession it turned into a family picnic environment. Teens threw Frisbees and footballs, while young parents sat on blankets tending to babies. Venders dispersed food and pro-life information.
From coast to coast and everywhere in between, including deep in the heart of Texas, more and more people are coming face-to-face with the reality of abortion and saying yes to life. The worm is turning at an amazing speed in this ongoing battle to protect innocent human life, so we must not lose faith or diminish our efforts. This is shaping up to be an exciting and victorious year for the babies, but the task ahead is great. We must continue to give everything we’ve got because the majority is speaking out for life.
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