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Maafa21: Black Genocide in 21st Century America

ve8QAd   |   August 01, 2009

Life Dynamics, Inc. has just released a new pro-life documentary entitled: Maafa 21 – Black Genocide in 21st Century America. Maafa is a Swahili word meaning an incredibly horrendous tragedy, including the almost 250 years during which Blacks were held in the bondage of slavery. The film takes its viewers on a journey through a dark dimension of the American story, exploring compelling connections between slavery, colonization, Darwin, Eugenics, sterilization, birth control, and finally, abortion.

Maafa 21 uncovers the sinister strategies of those who wanted to eradicate Blacks from the American landscape. It exposes the reality that the Eugenics movement’s original plans to eliminate Blacks by abortion continues to decimate the Black community in America today, hence, the term Black Genocide. In spite of Planned Parenthood’s and the abortion industry’s shrewd attempts to market themselves as a friend to women and their unborn children, this documentary exposes them as the fox in the hen house they really are. Upon viewing the high-quality production, the scope of the material covered and the exhaustive list of citations in the closing credits, it is not hard to understand why this project took several years to complete.

Life Issues Institute highly recommends this DVD and strongly encourages every American to watch it, especially every Black American who is really serious about the protection and preservation of life within the African American community. While we are convinced that Maafa 21 will open your eyes and break your heart, it is our hope that it also compels you to become more involved in helping to protect the more than 1,200 Black babies who die by abortion in America every day.

Here are a few practical ways to use this very effective educational tool:

  1. Purchase the DVD and view it multiple times in order to become thoroughly familiar with its contents.
  2. Host a public or private viewing and encourage dialog afterward.
  3. Give a copy to your pastor or priest. Follow up with them after they have had an opportunity to watch it. Ascertain what they plan to do in response to what they’ve seen and heard.
  4. Mail copies to your local and national elected officials and follow up with them after they have had an opportunity to watch it. Ascertain what they plan to do in response to what they’ve seen and heard. Hold them accountable for their efforts, or lack of effort, to protect the unborn and their families. Look at their records. Do not merely listen to their words. Never underestimate the impact your feedback can have on your elected officials.
  5. Purchase copies for family and friends.

To view a trailer and purchase the DVD please visit the Maafa21 website.

Full feature DVD length: Approx. 140 minutes.

Life Issues Institute’s Urban Outreach project, Protecting Black Life, is available to assist you in reaching the African American community in your area with the pro-life message. You may contact us at 513.729.3600 or by email.

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