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It’s Your Moral Duty!

ve8QAd   |   October 11, 2006

If you’re like many of us, the political and legislative environment has recently discouraged many pro-life voters. So much, that many may choose to sit out the election on November 7. The reasons for this disillusionment are many. Recently, pro-abortion Democrat senators blocked federal legislation that would stop secret abortions across state lines on minor daughters. Evidence seems to indicate a Republican congressman was caught preying on teenage male pages on Capitol Hill. Pro-life candidates throughout the nation are the subjects of relentless negative campaign ads. Face it, it’s easy to give up and stay home on Election Day. But that would be dead wrong!

We are blessed with a system of government that allows YOU AND ME to choose those who make the laws. God expects us to be good stewards of our precious right to vote. That means finding out which candidates support the protection of innocent human life and voting for them. It also means getting your friends, co-workers, neighbors and fellow church members to do the same.

No political party owns the market on morality. This has been proven time and time again. Our job is to sort through the political debris and countless negative TV ads to educate ourselves and vote for candidates who support life. If we don’t, millions of preborn babies will continue to die. And tens of thousands of vulnerable patients like Terri Schiavo will be cruelly killed by dehydration and starvation.

A stench-filled campaign environment doesn’t give you the right to abdicate your moral obligation to vote pro-life. It won’t get any better if you and your friends stay home on Election Day.

I was recently in Washington, DC and spoke with Senator Sam Brownback from Kansas. He is one of the most dedicated pro-life members of the Senate. I asked him if the Senate is “getting it,” that it pays at the polls to be pro-life? And, as a result, is the Senate changing? His response was an absolute “Yes.” Senator Brownback told me we are now on the winning side on the Hill regarding abortion. He said, “We must continue to vote pro-life in this election.” The Senator also asked us to “keep praying,” calling it “the most valuable thing.”

Dear pro-life friend, please don’t lose heart. Unborn babies and America’s vulnerable citizens need you now more than ever. If you give in, the bad guys win. VOTE PRO-LIFE!

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