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Breaking News: Nixing the FDA’s Plan B

ve8QAd   |   November 13, 2000

Breaking News Archive 2011

Nixing the FDA’s Plan B

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is often overlooked as a participant promoting the pro-abortion agenda. Yet, their recent decision regarding the Plan B morning-after pill indicates a willingness as a government arm to work alongside the abortion industry. It’s also a cause for concern.

On Wednesday of this week, the federal agency hastily pressed on to put very young girls at risk. FDA Administrator Margaret Hamburg was set to make the abortifacient available to girls of any age without a prescription. Let’s be clear, this means to girls 10-years-old or even younger. It’s preposterous to even consider. Learn more about how this so-called emergency contraception has an abortifacient quality by clicking here.

In response, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius used her authority as head of the Department to overrule the FDA a surprising decision to pro-lifers since she has a radical, pro-abortion history as governor of Kansas. The HHS decision adds fuel to the controversy whether or not Plan B poses a health risk. Secretary Sebelius expressed serious concern that young girls would not have proper supervision when taking the drug.

In a memorandum explaining her decision, Secretary Sebelius said that she also didn’t have enough data to know what effect the drug would have on younger girls.

The perilous Plan B drug works by both preventing fertilization and by thinning the lining of a women’s uterus. Consequently, it can often lead to the death of a new embryo. Whether those pushing the drug would like to acknowledge it or not, the fact of the matter remains: It carries risks to the life of a mother and may take the life of the little one residing within her womb.

In light of the facts, it’s disturbing that Hamburg concluded there is adequate and reasonable, well-supported, and science-based evidence that Plan B One-Step is safe and effective and should be approved for nonprescription use for all females of child-bearing potential.

What’s more, this isn’t even the first time the FDA has attempted to broaden the restrictions on the Plan B abortion drug. In April 2009, the agency lowered the minimum age of girls accessing it over the counter to the age of 17.

It’s blatantly clear that Plan B is riddled with an abundance of question marks. Further evidence even pro-abortion Secretary Sebelius’s reluctance to make the drug more widely available shows that health and safety concerns still remain in the long run.

Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion industry like to preach about the reproductive health of women. Now they need to put their money where their mouth is by setting abortion politics aside long enough as well as income from these pills to put the safety and health of young girls ahead of their agenda.

For the babies and their mothers,
Bradley Mattes
Executive Director
Life Issues Institute


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