Breaking News Archive 2010
Political Ping-Pong
Pro-lifers have been fighting an uphill battle these past two years. Now that November is around the corner, we pray a year of hope is ahead of us. Certainly, with midterm Congressional campaigns in full speed, Election Day will be a key opportunity to tell President Obama and the pro-abortion majority that we are not on board with their agenda. And you can play a vital role in sending that message.
Pro-lifers are circling the wagons for a special project, the National Voter Registration Sunday on Sept. 12. We’re asking our church congregations to register to vote, get out to vote, and pray for the elections. We need our churches – those unique communities of likeminded friends – to do more than just talk the talk. It’s time to walk the walk.all the way to the polls!
It’s not enough to simply believe life is a precious gift. The babies are counting on you and me to fight for their very breath, and with pro-abortion policies sprouting up in America far too frequently, we must support the rising men and women who are willing to uphold a culture of life. That also means, as my friend Father Frank Pavone with Priests for Life says, “‘Public servants’ who cannot tell the difference between serving the public and killing the public do not belong in public office.”
I’m asking you to do two things. First, promote the nine-week prayer campaign for the elections from Sept. 1 to Nov. 2. You can request free cards with a touching Election Prayer for Life to share with your congregation. This prayer card is appropriate for all faiths and free as long as the supply lasts.
Second, encourage your pastor to facilitate Voter Registration Sunday and on Sept. 12 get as many attendees as possible signed up and ready to vote. If you’ve never been a part of a voter-registration drive, don’t worry. It’s not complicated. It’s entirely within your church’s legal rights. And there are even instructions ready for you to use! Churches of all faiths can participate.
The reality is that elections can be an exhausting ping-pong game. Each year’s results present pro-lifers either with new challenges or renewed optimism. Unfortunately, we’ve seen what a pro-abortion majority in Congress can do, and we can’t afford to give them any more time to promote and facilitate the killing of more unborn babies.
The ball is in our court again. Please, help us send it soaring toward victory for the babies!
For Life,
Bradley Mattes
Executive Director
Life Issues Institute
Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through education. Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from womb to tomb.
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