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Breaking News: Free Speech Victory in Lady Liberty’s Backyard

ve8QAd   |   November 13, 2000

Breaking News Archive 2011

Free Speech Victory in Lady Liberty’s Backyard

New York City is home to the world famous Statue of Liberty. Despite this iconic and towering symbol reminding us of the freedom we enjoy in this great country, a dark cloud still looms. Right in Lady Liberty’s backyard, city council officials have attempted to silence the good work of pro-lifers in women help centers.

Their target? The EMC Frontline Pregnancy Centers and AAA Pregnancy Problem Center, which operate a total of 13 women help centers across the New York City area.

By a 39-9-1 vote back in March of this year, the council voted on stringent disclosure requirements that force these centers to post signs that in effect, direct women into the death traps of abortion mills.

According to the approved bill’s language, pro-life centers would be required to state orally and in writing that they don’t offer abortion. Additionally, they would also need to state whether or not a medical provider is on site. Ultimately, the bill unfairly makes these centers vulnerable to costly lawsuits by providing a private right of action by aggrieved persons.

With Mayor Michael Bloomberg signing the ordinance into effect, the city council gained his blessing of forcing these pro-life outlets to serve as free advertisers for abortion mills.

While council members are attempting to play a slick hand for their abortion industry allies, they’re far outmatched.

Thanks to the tireless work of the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) and the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), pro-lifers are playing the better hand. The combined legal expertise of these powerhouses has challenged the new law, exposing the free speech violations and discrimination against the Big Apple’s pro-life movement.

Just this week came a monumental step in what may ultimately lead to declaring the whole law unconstitutional. Federal Judge William Pauley of the Southern District of New York issued a preliminary injunction against the city ordinance temporarily blocking its implementation. As of this writing, New York City has yet to challenge the ruling at the Second Court of Appeals.

The fight is far from over. As the lawsuits over the law wage on. Still in harm’s way is the faithful labor of love that women help center workers provide those searching for hope and answers. With your help, you can aid us in providing educational materials to inform lost women in New York City of the dangers associated with abortion, both to them and little lives within them.

Bradley Mattes
Executive Director
Life Issues Institute


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