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Breaking News: The Key to Changing Hearts

ve8QAd   |   November 13, 2000

Breaking News Archive 2011

The Key to Changing Hearts

Students Their smiling faces could’ve moved the beautiful mountains of Quito, Ecuador. And just as Quito is surrounded by beautiful mountains, we were surrounded by beautiful smiling children. From first grade through high school, they were all anxious to meet the Americans who had come to visit their campus. When we asked the students if they’d pose for a picture, we were enthusiastically mobbed. The joy on the faces and in the hearts of Ecuadorians was something I’ll remember forever.

Smiling Faces I was part of a small American team who participated in a week-long lecture tour in this South American country. We talked to over 7,000 students from 13 years old to university. We shared information on abstinence, fetal development and post-abortion stress. I spoke about the millions of hurting fathers in America who’ve lost a child to abortion.

Smiling Faces The first day we did 7 presentations—every time to a packed room that seated over 300 eager minds wanting to know the truth about abortion and its consequences. Our host and organizer made the most of our time while in her country where abortion is illegal but clandestinely available. There were radio interviews and a scheduled presentation to the Ecuadorian Assembly, the equivalent of the US House of Representatives. That was, until the WikiLeaks controversy reared its ugly head and resulted in the American ambassador being expelled from the country just before our arrival. Politics then sealed the demise of our presentation there. But overall it was a hugely successful trip. And it was heartening to see the positive effect on the Ecuadorian youth who eagerly listed to our message of life and hope.

Believe it or not, most of our presentations were conducted in public schools. Once word got out among the students and teachers, everyone wanted to hear what we had to say. At the end of one presentation, we were literally mobbed on the stage by young teenage girls who excitedly told us that our information had changed their lives and the way they view abortion and sex outside of marriage. One even wrote us a letter and others took off their bracelets and rings to present them to us as thank you gifts.

Smiling Faces

Pro-life education is the foundation on which we build legislative and political victories. The thousands of youth in Quito demonstrated once again the inherent hunger for truth on the critical life issues of our day. Once equipped with knowledge, they’re empowered to make positive, life-affirming decisions. And after this past week, we’re confident they will.

I’ve never left an international destination so utterly exhausted—but at the same time so totally thrilled that God had used us to make such a powerful impact in the lives of so many young people.

Bradley Mattes
Executive Director
Life Issues Institute


Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through education. Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from womb to tomb.

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