Breaking News Archive 2009
Protecting True Choice
President Obama has stated that he wants to reduce abortion. However, in my last email to you, I detailed Mr. Obama’s actions that have furthered the abortion industry’s agenda during his first seven weeks as president. Item number seven on the list dealt with the rescission of the Conscience Clause which protects medical professionals:
“As the number of abortionists dwindles, the abortion industry is looking for ways to increase access to abortion. Physicians, nurses, pharmacists and other health care professionals and hospitals are growing increasingly concerned that they may be forced to participate in providing abortion. Before leaving office, President Bush put conscience rules in place to protect these health care professionals and facilities from retaliation should they choose not to participate in the killing of unborn babies.”
President Obama has already put into motion efforts to rescind these rules and once again make those who are trained to protect and heal, vulnerable to being forced to kill innocent human life.”
Action Item: President Obama and the Department of Health and Human Services need to hear from pro-lifers across the country. Let the current administration know that our medical professionals need to be protected from having to participate in the taking of innocent human life. We only have until April 9, 2009. Please submit your comments in one easy step:
You may submit comments by e-mail to Enter the keywords “Rescission Proposal” in the subject line.
Please pass the word!
Sincerely for LIFE,
Bradley Mattes
Executive Director
Life Issues Institute
Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through education. Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from womb to tomb.
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