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Breaking NewsThe First 7 Weeks

ve8QAd   |   November 13, 2000

Breaking News Archive 2009

The First 7 Weeks

During the first 7 weeks of Barack Obama’s presidency, he has lived up to his title of “Abortion President.” Here’s what he’s done to further the abortion industry and/or his assault on innocent human life:

1  By executive order, President Obama reversed the Mexico City Policy. When in force, it prohibited your tax dollars from funding international organizations that promote or perform abortion.

The International Planned Parenthood Federation wasted little time in putting this money to use promoting their abortion agenda in Poland by advocating a series of Women’s Day marches that made several demands, including unrestricted abortion-on-demand. Further, IPPF is also opposing a Polish law being put together by a bioethics committee in Poland aimed at protecting human embryos from being killed during in vitro fertilization procedures.

2  The President’s appointments have been universally pro-abortion, including critical selections that could dramatically affect unborn babies. These include Secretary of Health and Human Services. His selection is Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius who holds extreme pro-abortion positions. You can read a detailed account of Governor Sebelius’ record on abortion assembled by Kansans for Life.

3  An additional key appointment is Margaret Hamburg as the Director of the Food and Drug Administration. Not only is she strongly pro-abortion, she has been an opponent of abstinence education.

4  By executive order, President Obama rescinded restrictions on using our tax dollars to fund embryonic stem cell research which kills human embryos. It also allows the biotech industry to create human embryos for the sole purpose of killing them in the name of research. Further, his executive order provides the necessary platform or foundation to pursue cloning, which can’t be done without embryonic stem cells.

5  A second, less-known impact of this executive order rescinded President Bush’s direction to fund alternative forms of research and treatment that do not include killing human embryos. So not only did Mr. Obama open the floodgates for your tax dollars to pursue embryonic stem cell research, he’s impeding future research on adult stem cells which has already proven to be hugely successful in treating patients.

6  President Obama has created the new International Office on Women’s Issues. Those familiar with the aggressive pro-abortion agenda of international women’s groups know this can’t be good news. It will be headed by Melanne Verveer, the chief of staff to former First Lady Hillary Clinton. In short, it will be used to intimidate, pressure or force other countries into legalizing unrestricted abortion. Here’s a link to more details:

7  As the number of abortionists dwindles, the abortion industry is looking for ways to increase access to abortion. Physicians, nurses, pharmacists and other health care professionals and hospitals are growing increasingly concerned that they may be forced to participate in providing abortion. Before leaving office, President Bush put conscience rules in place to protect these health care professionals and facilities from retaliation should they chose not to participate in the killing of unborn babies.

President Obama has already put into motion efforts to rescind these rules and once again make those who are trained to protect and heal, vulnerable to being forced to kill innocent human life.

After reading this it’s hard to believe that Mr. Obama has only been in office 7 weeks. I shudder to think of what he’s capable of accomplishing in 4 years. Please share this information with others.

Bradley Mattes
Executive Director
Life Issues Institute


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