Breaking News Archive 2010
Change of Heart
There’s a moral fog that’s enveloped our nation-a darkness that allows the legal murder of millions of unborn babies through abortion. Even so, we can still take joy whenever a heart is changed for LIFE.
Around the anniversary of Roe v Wade, tens of thousands, maybe even millions, will gather, march, pray and witness for truth. In churches, homes and street corners, we’ll observe Sanctity of Life Sunday-a bittersweet time, as we celebrate the gift of life and also mourn the tragedy of the deaths of over 54 million preborn children by abortion.
This year, there’s a new champion of life among us. I’ll be sharing her story on a special radio broadcast throughout the coming week. It’s called A Change of Heart: One Woman’s Journey from Planned Parenthood to Pro-Life.
Her name is Abby Johnson. She recently quit her job as director of a Planned Parenthood abortion facility. The moment she watched an abortion take place, she vowed “never again.” Ever since, she’s been shining a spotlight on the abortion industry.
I don’t know where Abby will be on the days surrounding Sanctity of Life Sunday. But I’ll be on our nation’s radio airwaves, telling others about Abby’s amazing journey to pro-life. I hope you and I can make that connection in your community. Check with your local Christian radio station to see when A Change of Heart: One Woman’s Journey from Planned Parenthood to Pro-Life will air.
In the meantime, here’s a sneak preview of the program. Please pray that as it’s aired, more hearts, just like Abby’s, will be changed for life.
Sincerely for TRUTH,
Bradley Mattes
Executive Director
TV/Radio Host
Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through education. Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from womb to tomb.
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