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A Pro-Life Message on the Silver Screen

ve8QAd   |   January 01, 1998

We have exciting news for those who would like to send an effective pro-life message out to a targeted audience. Life Media, a local pro-life organization in the greater Kansas City area, began airing theatre ads to reach women, their boyfriends and parents with pro-life information. Research indicates that people usually arrive at a movie theatre approximately 10 minutes before the film begins. During this time, theatres customarily run ads, similar to a slide projector format, that are rotated three times. Each ad is viewed for 5 to 7 seconds, giving the average movie attendee multiple opportunities to see the message.

Life Media approached Wood Dickinson, a pro-life owner of approximately 15 movie theatres, with the idea of including a pro-life message with the other ads. Then they consulted with the Vitae Society, an organization well versed in media communication, to develop the most effective message possible. Currently, the ad running in Kansas City area theatres is designed to reach women from the perspective of Post-Abortion Syndrome. A pensive woman is shown holding a baby blanket and rattle. The message reads, “They don’t tell you how empty you’ll feel, how much it hurts, how lonely you’ll be….after the choice.” Life Media feels that the women they are attempting to reach frequent movie theatres, and are encouraged by the feedback they’ve received thus far. It’s estimated that one million people see this message every year when placed in a large multi-plex theatre.

The cost for a one-year contract may not be as much as you expect. Costs will vary depending upon the size of the community – as low as $1,000. Keep in mind that one theatre may hold 16 individual movie screens, and that your message is seen before every film shown. You may easily target your audience by showing the ads in a college town or theatre near a university. The bulk of Life Media’’s income for this outreach project comes from local churches. It’’s not unusual to have a church purchase a whole, one-year contract.

The message must be presented in a very careful and thoughtful manner in order to have the desired effect as well as be accepted by theatre owners. And even then, Life Media received a number of rejections. Life Media is happy to work with other pro-life groups interested in this new concept. They can be reached by writing to: Life Media, PO Box 4448, Overland Park, KS 66204, or phone (913) 268-8400.

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