Post Abortion Survivor Syndrome

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Post Abortion Survivor Syndrome

Bradley Mattes   |   March 21, 2013

Siblings of aborted babies can suffer from Post-abortion Survivor Syndrome or PASS. Some siblings have known they’re missing a brother or sister without the parents even telling them about the abortion. Research done by Dr. Phillip Ney, a child and family psychiatrist, has been published in the Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health. Dr. Ney says the most common symptom of PASS is existential guilt—in other words, the siblings feel like they don’t deserve to be alive. Survivor syndrome was first detected among holocaust survivors. Dr. Ney also says PASS helps explain a growing support of euthanasia because these “survivors” never bonded with their parents. Abortion’s like a cancer—it hurts, maims and kills everything in its path and must be stopped.

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One thought on “Post Abortion Survivor Syndrome

  1. The mechanism by which a child is aware of previously aborted siblings is probably Microchimerism, which can get especially complex when a mother has multiple pregnancies. The mother’s body accumulates cells from each baby—and potentially functions as a reservoir, transferring cells from the older sibling into the younger one and forming more elaborate microchimeras. The presence of fetal cells from previous pregnancies remaining in the mother’s body could inform inherent knowledge in a surviving child.

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