
Supreme Court Rejects FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine on Technicality

Victor Nieves   |   June 13, 2024

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 13th, 2024| Link
Contact: Victor Nieves, 513-719-5813

Supreme Court Rejects FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine on Technicality

Today the United States Supreme Court issued their ruling in FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine. The Court ruled not on the merits of the challenge, but rejected the case on a technicality, determining that the doctors lacked the necessary standing to bring the challenge.

We remain steadfast in our belief that the FDA’s sloppy and political approval of the dangerous abortion pill will eventually meet its demise. Justice Thomas writing in his concurring opinion outlined the technical issue with this case and the involved parties claimed standing. Thomas did however plant a seed of hope for a potential future case saying, “The party who needs the remedy—the injured member—is not before the court.” Chemical abortion pills send an estimated one in 25 women to hospital emergency rooms according to the FDA. They have even killed women, so we remain confident that when ruled on the merits, life will prevail.

The need to keep pressing on is evident in the fact that chemical abortion pills remain a tremendous danger to mothers, while killing their children. A black-market system of distribution now provides the dangerous drugs to anyone with a mailing address – including sexual predators who want to harm women.

Brad Mattes, President of Life Issues Institute stated, “Our concern of course rests with the countless innocent unborn children this drug will continue to kill, but we’re also gravely concerned about the harm they will inflict on women. The abortion industry has been given a green light to maim and kill. Rest assured that this is not the end of challenging these dangerous drugs.

Life Issues Institute will continue to share lifesaving pro-life education on the dangers of chemical abortion as we change hearts and minds and create a culture of life.

Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through pro-life education. Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from fertilization to natural death.


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