Mifepristone is approved by the FDA for use through 10 weeks (70 days), but Planned Parenthood routinely administers the drugs up to 11 weeks, and some PP sites provide abortion drugs until 12 weeks. Several online abortion centers prescribe abortion drugs through 13 weeks.
Even though many online abortion centers will limit abortion drugs to a specific point in pregnancy, sometimes women may end up taking them later, if they didn’t realize how far along their pregnancy was, did not answer questions about gestational age accurately, or if the pills took a long time to arrive. Without a physical exam or ultrasound, there is no way for the abortionist to confirm gestational age. There have been cases of women using abortion drugs in the second or third trimester in the UK, and of course there is the case of the Nebraska teenager whose mother gave her abortion drugs around 28 weeks.
Additionally, many hospitals and abortion centers have started using mifepristone and misoprostol for late-term labor induction abortions. The National Abortion Federation describes the process here: https://prochoice.org/wp-content/uploads/2024-CPGs-FINAL-1.pdf#page=54
Information shared with us by Tessa Longbons of Charlotte Lozier Institute
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