For years the pro-abortion lobby has run with the slogan that “it’s just a clump of cells.” This attempt to deny the humanity of the preborn child shatters when faced with the reality of abortion survivors.
Life Issues Institute had the pleasure to feature one such story on our Emmy award-winning TV program Facing Life Head On. Teresa Ippolit was born in South Korea in 1987. Her birth mother underwent an abortion procedure which attempted to take Teresa’s life. Against all odds she was born alive. Tragically, she was then wrapped in old newspapers and left on a shelf to die.
Thankfully, she was rescued from certain death and later adopted by a loving family in the United States. She is not alone in her story. Many others have also survived abortion attempts.
A new campaign titled “ALMOST ABORTED” will be highlighting the true stories of women and men who survived attempts to take their lives by abortion. These “clumps of cells” lived and now stand as undeniable proof that abortion attempts to take the life of an innocent child.
Billboards featuring their stories will be displayed in six key states that face radical ballot initiatives seeking to legalize abortion by adding it to state constitutions. Firsthand experiences and testimonies of abortion survivors are indisputable validation that unborn babies are not a “clump of cells” but instead living growing humans deserving of human rights.
One story being featured is that of Melissa. In 1977 her mother, a college student, was forced to have an abortion against her will. The abortionist injected the womb with a toxic salt solution with the intent to poison and scald Melissa to death. Thankfully, despite the attempt on her life Melissa survived. She now uses her voice to protect others from facing the same attempts on their lives. Learn more about her story in a two-part episode of Facing Life Head-On.
Rose is another survivor being featured and her story is a little different. She was nearly aborted in 1961 when her mother was told by an abortionist that he had a “solution” to her pregnancy. Her mother was desperate and had little money. Rose was her sixth child. The abortionist then dosed her with methotrexate and a saline injection. Miraculously Rose survived, all be it with lasting injuries attributed to the attempt on her life.
Millions of other innocent babies were unfortunately not able to survive the attempts on their lives. They will never be able to share with us the harrowing stories of what an abortionist did to them in their mothers’ womb. They were unable to speak up or defend themselves.
It is our responsibility to stand up and fight for innocent unborn babies and be a voice for the voiceless.
Defending those who cannot speak,
Brad Mattes,
President, Life Issues Institute
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