FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 16, 2023| Link
Contact: Victor Nieves, 513-719-5813
5th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules Against Biden’s FDA Chemical Abortion Mail Rollout
Today the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against Biden’s FDA, halting the mail order application of the dangerous chemical abortion drug Mifepristone, likely setting up a battle at the Supreme Court.
“The Fifth Circuit has thrown a wrench into the abortion industry’s mail-order abortion scheme while the merits of the case are adjudicated.” Bradley Mattes, president of Life Issues Institute, said “In question are the FDA’s efforts to jettisoned crucial safeguards for women that its original research demanded be in place. We are very pleased with the Court’s action.”
The three-judge 5th Circuit panel has rolled back the FDA’s 2016 changes to Mifepristone’s approved conditions of use. This includes “(1) increasing the maximum gestational age at which a woman can use the drug from 49 to 70 days; (2) reducing the number of required in-person office visits from three to one; (3) allowing non-doctors to prescribe and administer the chemical abortions drugs; and (4) eliminating the requirement for prescribers to report non-fatal adverse events from chemical abortion.”
Though the Court rejected the FDA’s 2016 changes, they did not reject the initial approval of the drug in 2000. Application of the chemical abortion drug will return to the original protocol established prior to the FDA’s expanded application. Though unfortunately the availability of the chemical abortion drug remains unchanged for now pending review by the U.S. Supreme court. This due to a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in April which effectively preserves the status quo during the appeal process.
For requests to interview Bradley Mattes, use contact information above.
Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through pro-life education. Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from fertilization to natural death.
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