Since the US Supreme Court legalized abortion, over 63 million babies have been sacrificed on the altar of so-called “choice.” That is more than the entire population of Italy.
For the Media
The faces of Roe: Women and men victimized by abortion
Core message:
Expose the human carnage inflicted on Americans by Roe v Wade and demonstrate the benefit to society if the Dobbs late-term abortion case is upheld by the US Supreme Court.
Talking points:
- Roe has inflicted unfathomable bloodshed on American citizens.
- Late-term abortion happens much more frequently than Americans realize and are done mostly for social and economic reasons.
- Had the Mississippi 15-week legislation been in effect, countless Americans like Irene and Elliott (whose voices are heard in the special) could have been spared from unspeakable physical and emotional trauma.
- Women will not be abandoned without access to abortion. The pro-life movement is their most loyal advocate.

Suggested questions for the interview
- How far into pregnancy is abortion legal and how many abortions have been done?
- Tell us what Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization is about, and how do you think the Supreme Court will rule?
- Do you think the Court will overturn Roe v Wade, and if so, will abortion end in America?
- Are pro-lifers equipped to help women who don’t have access to abortion, or will they be abandoned as some abortion advocates say?
- What message do you have for women and men who have chosen abortion but now regret their decision?
- What can our listeners do to help save the babies and protect their mothers?
Abortion FAQs
How many abortions have there been since 1973?
Is abortion only legal during the first three months of pregnancy?
No, contrary to many reports in the media, abortion is legal until birth in many states. States like Colorado, Oregon, and Vermont allow abortion at any stage of pregnancy for any reason. Pro-abortion activists are spending millions of dollars attempting to pass radical pro-abortion amendments in states across the nation.
In the most egregious examples, a woman could legally get a late term abortion because she found out the baby was the wrong race or gender.
What is the Supreme Court Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization all about?
With bipartisan support, the state legislature of Mississippi passed the Gestational Age Act, a 15-week ban on abortion. Mississippi’s only abortion facility, Jackson Women’s Health Organization, sued to stop the bill. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the law was unconstitutional and the US Supreme Court agreed to hear and rule on the case. The US Supreme Court not only upheld Dobbs, but it also overturned Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood, once again giving states the legal right to protect unborn babies.
Now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned by the US Supreme Court, will that end the practice of abortion in America?
No, the overturning of Roe v. Wade gives elected state legislatures the authority to determine abortion laws for each individual state. In 1973 a panel of unelected judges declared by edict that abortion was legal during all nine months of pregnancy for any reason. This left Americans without a voice on the most controversial issue of modern history. Most Americans want their elected officials making abortion laws for their state.
Should abortion be available for women victimized by rape or incest?
Rape and incest are horrific crimes. Assailants should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The woman and her baby are victims and should be supported and cared for to the best of our ability. However, we should not inflict a punishment of death on the baby for the crime of his or her biologic father. Women have often said that the act of abortion was a second act of violence against their bodies and emotional wellbeing. Violence in response to violence is not the answer.
Is the unborn really a baby, or is it just a clump of tissue?
The unborn are unique human beings with their own unique genetic code and personhood just like you. We are all “clumps of tissue” or cells. The only difference between a born adult and an unborn child is their location and level of development. Humanity is not determined by level of development, location, or any other arbitrary factor used to dehumanize the unborn.
Is it true that an unborn baby can feel the pain of abortion?
In many cases, yes. Dr. Stuart Derbyshire, one of the world’s top neuroscientists, used to believe that an unborn child could not feel pain until 24 weeks. But with new scientific evidence Dr. Derbyshire now believes a child can feel pain at 12 weeks. Other experts believe a baby can feel pain as early as eight weeks.
Will ending legal abortion cause women to suffer and die from illegal abortions?
No. America’s legal abortion industry already resembles inept back-alley abortion. Abortion is inherently unsafe. Every “successful” abortion takes an innocent humans’ life. Notorious abortionists like Kermit Gosnell, Steven Chase Brigham, Leroy Carhart, and many others have seriously injured women and killed their babies. Legal abortion is widely unregulated and has resulted in appalling conditions inside abortion facilities.
Will ending abortion strip women of their rights?
No, ending abortion does not strip women of their rights. No one has a right to intentionally take the life of an innocent child. The unborn are humans, equally deserving of legal protection as much as anyone else. Ending abortion protects the basic human rights of innocent children.
About our president
Bradley Mattes
Bradley Mattes (Mat-tis) is president of Life Issues Institute, a grassroots organization dedicated to pro-life education and founded by pro-life pioneer Dr. John C. Willke and Brad in 1991. Its primary objective is to globally develop and disseminate effective pro-life educational materials.
For eight seasons, Brad was host and executive producer of Facing Life Head-On, a weekly pro-life TV program that was available to more than 100 million homes in the US and Canada. The program earned three Regional Emmy® awards and several other industry accolades before production ceased in 2015.
Brad also hosts Life Issues, a daily radio commentary on abortion and other life issues. Carried on over 1,300 radio outlets across the US, the program was recognized by National Religious Broadcasters with the 2016 Radio Impact Award.
Brad also hosts various half-hour radio programs on such topics as the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, adoption, men and abortion and US Supreme Court vacancies.
Brad is president of the International Right to Life Federation and a frequent international speaker and lecturer on abortion and related life issues. He works with other countries to establish a pro-life educational and counseling presence. He also is chairman of the board of directors of the Terri Schiavo Life and Hope Network, working to protect vulnerable individuals and educate others on end-of-life issues.
Brad has done considerable anecdotal research on the effects of abortion on men, and his writings on this topic have been printed in US and international publications. He has a master’s degree in biblical studies and biblical counseling from Master’s International University of Divinity and has written undergraduate and post-graduate courses on men and abortion.
A veteran of the pro-life cause, Brad has 50 years of educational, political, and humanitarian experience, and would be pleased to speak at your church, event, or campus.