Abortion vs Childbirth: Which is Safer?
Throughout the years of the controversy over abortion, those who favor it have relentlessly sounded one continuous note, i.e. Abortion…
Continue Reading04/01/2003
Silent No More: A Powerful Message
A powerful new element was added to this year’s observance of Roe v. Wade. Women across the nation, representing various…
Continue Reading11/13/2000
Post Abortion Stress Stats
Women and men who have had an abortion often experience guilt, sadness, chronic depression, fear and/or anger in the aftermath….
Continue Reading11/13/2000
When Daddy’s Dream Died, Daddy Died Too.
January 22, 2003 marked the 30th anniversary of the US Supreme Court’s decision to legalize abortion for any reason throughout…
Continue Reading10/01/2000
The Cost of Abortion: Higher Than You Might Think
I recently received a letter from an attorney in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The contents were chilling. The lawyer is representing a…
Continue Reading07/01/1999
The Cost of an Abortion
Many of us have seen the bumper sticker that reads, What does an abortion cost? One human life. True words…
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