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Exposé: America’s abortion clinics are ‘Red Light District’ of Medicine
Building on the legacy of Americans United for Life’s groundbreaking, four-part exposé of Planned Parenthood, AUL now offers “Unsafe: How…
Continue Reading11/18/2015
Lies, Stats and Coat Hangers: Self-Induced Abortion
“There are three kinds of lies: lies, d***ed lies and statistics.” Mark Twain made those words famous. Keep them in…
Continue Reading09/19/2014
Back-Alley Abortion
Pro-abortion activists warn that if legal abortion is ended, women will be forced back to dark places in dark alleys….
Continue Reading06/13/2013
Gosnell—The Face of Abortion in America
Among those who followed the sordid trial of the Philadelphia abortionist, the name Kermit Gosnell has become synonymous with the…
Continue Reading03/28/2013
More horrors out of Philadelphia
Last week, I shared with you the horrifying conditions of the abortion mill operated by Kermit Gosnell (pictured here)….
Continue Reading03/22/2013
Philly’s Gruesome “House of Horrors”
The Latest News Archive 2013 Phillys Gruesome House of Horrors There are few things more horrific than what Im about…
Continue Reading02/08/2011
Kermit Gosnell’s House of Horrors
House of Horrors The media called it the “house of horrors.” The late-term abortion mill of Kermit Gosnell was raided…
Continue Reading01/28/2011
House of Horror
More than 200 pages describe the infanticide, drug violations, illegal late-term abortions, racketeering and other offenses of a Philadelphia abortionist….
Continue Reading07/01/2005
Legal Abortion Isn’t Safe Abortion
Those who were responsible for legalizing abortion in the ’70s claimed that if abortion were legally available, women would be protected…
Continue Reading07/01/2000
Coat Hangers Never Happened
Some time ago I read a letter to the editor in the Wall Street Journal. It was awful. I sent…
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