Abortion No Matter What


Abortion No Matter What

Bradley Mattes   |   August 26, 2024


Lisa, a twenty-something woman was at a pro-life pregnancy center with her boyfriend.  She was pregnant with four or five abortions in her past, Lisa wasn’t sure.  The last two were with her boyfriend who’s pro-life.  He was adopted and could’ve also been aborted.  He made the appointment at the center.  Until now Lisa had never been shown an ultrasound of her baby.  Once seeing the beating heart of her baby, she was excited about being pregnant.  Then she started crying over the lost babies to abortion.  The counselor assured her of Christ’s forgiveness and said, “You never knew the reality of your choice to have an abortion.”  Planned Parenthood says Care.  No Matter What.  What they really mean is Abortion.  No Matter What, even if it devastates the mothers.

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