Give Them a Chance


Give Them a Chance

Bradley Mattes   |   October 13, 2023


Nicole and Youssef Dib were faced with the biggest crisis of their lives. Their baby, nicknamed Jibby, was born at just twenty-five weeks, weighing less than two pounds. As you can imagine, this tiny baby boy faced hurdle after hurdle to stay alive. At one point Jibby’s organs began to fail and surgery saved him. On five different occasions doctors offered to remove life support, which Nicole declined each time. It was a brochure that a previous mother of a very premature baby left in the NICU that gave her hope. It read, “It’s very scary but these tiny little humans are stronger than we think. Don’t give up, give them a chance.” So, Nicole and Youssef did just that. Jibby is now a thriving four-year-old, still facing challenges, but doing great.

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