Justice for Grace


Justice for Grace

Bradley Mattes   |   April 10, 2023

Recently, I spent a week on Life Issues celebrating individuals with Down syndrome.  Today’s story breaks my heart.  During the pandemic, Grace Schara who had Down syndrome  was admitted to the hospital with COVID.  It’s alleged that without the knowledge or consent of Grace’s parents, a doctor placed a do-not-resuscitate order on her chart.  The parents said they then gave Grace a combination of drugs intended to kill her.  When she went into respiratory failure, even though Grace’s sister begged for nurses to help, they refused and watched her die.  Grace’s family says Ascension St. Elizabeths Hospital in Appleton, Wisconsin is responsible for her death and have filed paperwork to begin the lawsuit process.  May there be profound justice if these allegations are proven true.

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2 thoughts on “Justice for Grace

  1. This story is heartbreaking. There are people in the medical profession who judge the value of life and deem some people not worthy of living. Year ago, I represented a family who had been told their son was “brain dead” after a traumatic injury. It turned out that people at the hospital simply wanted his organs. He would have recovered had treatment been continued.

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