
An Underused Tool in Our Pro-Life Arsenal

ve8QAd   |   July 26, 2017

It doesn’t take an individual who eats, lives and breathes pro-life advocacy to realize the legislative battle to make Obamacare abortion-neutral and end funding for Planned Parenthood has been a huge challenge.

However, we have a particularly effective tool in our pro-life arsenal that is underutilized and may propel this crucial pro-life legislation to the President’s desk.

To say that the process of dealing with Obamacare has been difficult is an enormous understatement.

The House of Representatives jumped through political hoops to develop compromise wording that effectively eliminated abortion as a benefit of Obamacare. Further, it would have stopped your tax dollars from helping fund the nation’s largest chain of abortion facilities.

Many feel the House action was a roller coaster process, but compared with events in the Senate it was a relatively smooth ride.

The House version couldn’t get passed in the Senate because both liberal and conservative Republicans voiced opposition — some said it went too far, others felt it didn’t go far enough.

Democrats unanimously oppose any version of the legislation.

Tuesday, cancer-stricken Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., traveled to DC for a crucial vote that simply moved the issue forward for debate. Vice President Pence had to provide the tie-breaking vote.

Yesterday a Senate vote to repeal Obamacare failed 45-55.

Considering Congress’ track record dealing with controversial issues, things look rather grim from a human standpoint.

Which brings us back to our underutilized tool.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen prayer accomplish the impossible. If you want a dramatic example, just look back to the presidential election and recall how President Trump prevailed against insurmountable odds. The election was bolstered by millions of prayers.

If you’re like me, when faced with a challenge, I often get caught up in the task as if the outcome depended solely upon my actions. Then the realization dawns that we have a source of help far exceeding our own abilities.

Making Obamacare abortion-neutral and defunding Planned Parenthood would be an answer to prayer, so why aren’t we praying more to make it happen?

Please commit to earnestly and repeatedly praying that God would deliver these victories to save countless lives. Get others to join you. Every person reading this could activate a prayer chain that has the power to change our nation.

The Creator of the universe can handle a dysfunctional U.S. Senate. Let’s seek His face.

In addition to prayer, continue to contact your senators, asking them to make Obamacare abortion-neutral and stop funding Planned Parenthood. Then get others to do the same. The link above makes the process simple and easy.

Most pro-lifers are familiar with prayer and know its power. It doesn’t cost anything, and we can pray at anytime and anywhere.

Prayer doesn’t guarantee success. We can’t see the bigger picture viewed by God. But if every pro-lifer committed to praying for these victories, I believe our chances would increase significantly.

So please put these two items on your priority list — prayer and action. Keep them there and use them often.

We can win this and the glory will obviously go to the Lord. Let’s get busy.

For the babies,

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