On Sunday Planned Parenthood “celebrates” turning one hundred years old, so all this week I’ve been educating listeners to the truth behind this kingpin of the abortion industry. The annual budget of this so-called nonprofit is one point three billion dollars. Yes, that’s B as in billion. Over a half-billion comes from your tax dollars to fund their aggressive abortion agenda. They get about one-and–a-half million tax dollars every day and kill an unborn baby every ninety-six seconds. It’s time Congress stopped funding Planned Parenthood. Please visit LifeIssues.org and click on the microphone icon to access this week’s special programming on Planned Parenthood and available resources. Plus, you can easily contact your elected officials and ask them to stop funding this abortion giant.
What is Planned Parenthood?
Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest chain of abortion facilities and is the most aggressive lobbyist on both the state and federal levels. Learn more about this abortion industry giant by checking out our online resources.
Planned Parenthood targets women of color for abortion. Our research proves that 78% of their surgical abortion facilities are within walking distance of Black and Latino neighborhoods.
An undercover investigation shows Planned Parenthood staff on video participating in the selling of aborted baby body parts for profit, a felony violation of the law. Check out all these videos and accompanying documentation.
Contact your elected officials and respectfully ask them to STOP funding Planned Parenthood.
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