For years I’ve been asking pro-lifers to boycott March of Dimes. In the past their connection to abortion was somewhat nuanced, but not any longer. Joy Barr, a fundraiser for March of Dimes, saw the Planned Parenthood videos and wondered if March of Dimes could be connected to such inhumane activity. So she asked her bosses if any of their grants included funding for researchers to buy aborted baby body parts. Their answer startled Joy. Michelle King, director of public relations, emailed yes, March of Dimes funds the purchase of baby body parts and would likely continue to do so. Visit today’s broadcast link at life issues dot org for more information on this and other ways the March of Dimes is linked to the abortion industry. Then please stop funding them.
Here’s detailed information on the March of Dimes funding the purchase of aborted baby body parts for research.
Also visit this link for more information on March of Dimes and their connection to abortion.
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