Is it just me or has this year blasted by at warp speed? Except maybe for the season of political ads.
It’s hard to believe that we’ll soon be gathering with friends and family to celebrate Thanksgiving.
I strive to have a thankful mindset all year long, but no doubt about it, Thanksgiving is a time to tattoo an exclamation point on our grateful hearts.
When it comes to the life issues, you and I have much to be thankful for.
The presidential race presented Americans with a clear choice between good and evil. The Vice President supports unrestrained abortion until birth and made it the central theme of her campaign, along with a seething hatred of Donald Trump.

Harris even paraded abortionists on stage at one of her campaign rallies.
I’m thankful that a vast majority of Americans oppose late-term abortion, discrimination abortions and sex-selection abortions, which prevented them from siding with the extremist.
Trump, once the most pro-life president in American history, backslid to limit abortion at 15 weeks. However, we’re hopeful that he will continue his legacy of nominating strict constitutionalists. This is an essential part of protecting existing pro-life laws on the District and Appellate court levels where most all decisions become the final word and law of the land.
And who knows, maybe he’ll have the opportunity to replace a US Supreme Court justice or two.
The US Senate and House of Representatives will be controlled by Republicans, the party of LIFE. We can expect them to stop pro-death legislation, perhaps pass laws prohibiting your tax dollars from funding abortion at home and abroad. We may see stronger conscience protections for medical personnel who don’t want to participate in abortion or life-ending procedures. And witness the Senate confirming judges who don’t legislate from the bench.
We can be thankful for the many victorious pro-life candidates on the state level who weren’t on the radar of the biased legacy media.
We continue to struggle with deceptive and extreme state amendments that negate existing pro-life laws. We are thankful for victories on this devastating battlefield. Voters in Florida, Nebraska and South Dakota all rejected these extreme measures.
South Dakota gets an honorable mention for twice defeating pro-abortion amendments since the Dobbs decision. Proponents thought they had an easy target because the state protects all unborn babies from the moment of fertilization with no exceptions. They were mistaken.
George Soros and other dark money types pumped over seventy-five million dollars into Florida and lost. This represented almost half of what these radicals spent on all ten statewide amendments. Not only did Florida defeat extremism, it was also a financial drain on their deep pockets.
This Thanksgiving, as you gather around the dinner table. In between the cheers for your favored football team. As you reconnect with loved ones. Stop to think of the One who made all this possible.
I’m not talking about the newly elected officials but the God who literally made those politicians and placed them in seats of leadership.
Our Jehovah, Heavenly Father, Abba, the Alpha and Omega, God. However you address the provider of everything – of everyone – you hold dear, spend this day in thanksgiving to the Lord who loves you and gives you good things.
Psalms 69:30 reads, “I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.”
May you have a blessed and very happy Thanksgiving, my friend.
Defending Life,
Brad Mattes,
President, Life Issues Institute
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