The phrase easily rolls off the tongue. “We have the most pro-life president ever.” But what does that actually mean when it comes to protecting innocent human life?
A good example is the Mexico City Policy, formally called “Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance,” which protects your tax dollars from promoting or providing abortion. The current administration expanded the traditional footprint of the Policy from protecting about one-half billion tax dollars to protecting nearly nine billion.
This and existing legislation have enabled the Trump administration to act against the heinous violations of human rights by China against minority Uighur Muslims, which the American Enterprise Institute has likened to genocide.
The Chinese government has been accused of “weaponizing abortion” as reports surface that women have been forced to undergo up to eight abortions and babies are killed anytime during pregnancy, including eight and nine months. Infanticide has been inflicted on infants who survive beyond pregnancy.
An estimated one million Uighurs have been imprisoned in so-called “re-education” camps, where among other inhumanities, they are subjected to conscripted labor to produce products for international companies like Apple, Nike, BMW, Samsung, and Sony.
Disney would have been well served to follow the pro-life example of the Trump administration while filming the movie Mulan.
#BoycottMulan has been trending on Twitter because the much-anticipated film was partially filmed in Xinjiang, China where the Uighurs live and have been treated viciously.
Whereas Disney appears to be ignoring man’s inhumanity toward man, the Trump administration is not.
In addition to reinstating and expanding the Mexico City Policy:
The President ended taxpayer funding for the UN Population Fund for colluding with China’s forced abortion program.
The Department of Commerce placed 48 Chinese entities on Entity List since last October for human rights violations in Xinjiang. These are companies and people who the US government deems to be a national security risk.
The Department of Treasury imposed sanctions on the Xinjiang Public Security Bureau, Xinjiang officials, and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps for human rights violations.
US Customs and Border Protection issued multiple Withhold Release Orders against companies in Xinjiang that use forced labor. This means their goods are detained at all US ports of entry.
The President signed into law the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act.
The Department of State imposed visa restrictions on Chinese and Xinjiang officials and their family members due to human rights abuses.
Personnel is Policy

The staff surrounding a pro-life president is instrumental in implementing his or her pro-life policies. For example, the current Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, has been a pillar of pro-life fortitude in utilizing every possible opportunity to implement the Mexico City Policy and deserves our profound thanks.
Of the many pro-life policies enacted by a pro-life president, there are tangible, life-impacting realities that accompany them.
For innocent human life,
Well written! Where are the Me Too movement people when it comes to these women in China who are forced to get an abortion?