Tonight, President Biden will be making his first joint address to Congress. As he basks in the limelight, provided by a fawning pro-abortion media, there are some pertinent facts that you and I should be sharing.
At just 100 days in office, Biden has already staked his claim as the most pro-abortion president in American history – even outdoing Obama.
100 Days of Abortion Extremism
Once in the Oval Office, Joe Biden didn’t waste any time doing the bidding of the abortion industry. Here’s a brief rundown.
President Biden has:
- Repealed the Global Protect Life Rule (Mexico City Policy) which protected nearly nine billion tax dollars from promoting or providing abortion around the world.
- Reversed the same thing domestically, by funding abortion through Title X.
- Under the guise of COVID relief, championed the largest expansion of taxpayer funded abortion since Obamacare, made possible by excluding the Hyde Amendment.
Resumed funding the horrific and gruesome practice of experimentation using the dissected body parts of unborn babies.
- Abandoned critical FDA protections for women who take the chemical abortion pill at the same time European countries are expressing concern about this death drug’s impact on women.
- Engaged in a scheme of packing the US Supreme Court with extreme pro-abortion justices.
- Worked to eliminate the Senate filibuster – currently the only thing standing in the way of pro-abortion politicians forcing radical abortion legislation on our nation.
While attention is focused on Biden’s joint address to Congress, please share these truths and expose the president and his administration’s 100 days of abortion extremism.
Please share this on social media and with your email lists. Help get the word out.
Defending LIFE,
One day President Biden and his administration will answer to God and the roll of names will be read of the lives lost to their evil actions. Thank You Life Issues Institute for being a source of Truth in this battle to save the pre-born, elderly, and disabled.
thank you again dear Brad for speaking for those that have no voice. We keep cheering you on and praying for all of you. Ann Tolly
What would leadership look like if it was working with reprobate minds that had long ago abandoned God and are now abandoned by God as His judgment? The Biden/Democrat government is showing us.