During the intense campaign to pass Obamacare in 2010, many promises were made to the American public. How well have we fared during the 14 years since its passage? A new study by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity took an in-depth look.
If you’re one of those who believes Obamacare was a plus for our nation, brace yourself.
President Barack Obama used his bully pulpit to advocate fiercely for the bill formally known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Their promises claimed that this major reform would:
- Make insurance more accessible
- Improve the healthcare of Americans
- Increase economic growth
- Make healthcare more affordable, reducing premiums by $2,500 per family
- Reduce the ballooning federal deficit
- Limit benefits to US citizens
And we can’t forget this famous Obama quote, “If you like your healthcare plan, you’ll be able to keep your healthcare plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”
In reality, what Obamacare has inflicted on Americans is far different than what was promised. Phil Kerpen with Unleash Prosperity summed it up like this. “Every single promise that was made to pass this law turned out to be false.”
Here’s what the study found:
- Instead of reducing insurance premiums, individual policies more than doubled
- Insurance companies, not Americans have enjoyed a financial bonanza
- Seven million Americans saw their preferred plans canceled
- Favorite doctors were suddenly out of reach
- Obamacare served as a barrier to true healthcare reforms that would have benefited patients and doctors
- The number of physicians participating in the ACA plunged
- The promised benefit to the US economy instead drove employers to demote full-time employees to part-time, avoiding the expense of Obamacare
- Instead of reducing the deficit, as of 2019 it added $32 billion to our nation’s debt
- The ACA is now offered to illegal aliens
If every American impacted by the effects of Obamacare were to vote for those supporting true and significant change to our nation’s healthcare system, we could take a major step toward real and lasting benefits for patients.
Fighting for LIFE,
Brad Mattes,
President, Life Issues Institute
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