Historians will never say that President Donald Trump was lazy and indecisive. His swift actions during the first week of his presidency on a myriad of issues have gotten the attention of even his harshest critics.
The pro-life community watched – and prayed – that the President would return to his pro-life roots that during his first administration grew deep and robust into the landscape many call The Swamp.
We didn’t have to wait long. His first day in office the President pulled America out of the World Health Organization, a global network of abortion advocacy.
And he put the United States back into the Geneva Declaration, an international pro-life document stating that there is no right to abortion.
The President reinstated the Mexico City Policy, officially called the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance Policy. This is a big deal. It has a far-reaching impact in protecting your tax dollars from promoting or providing abortion around the world. During the first Trump administration it expanded the traditional footprint of the Policy from protecting about one-half billion tax dollars to protecting nearly nine billion.
President Trump also took action to protect your tax dollars from funding abortion on American soil. He is enforcing the Hyde Amendment.
Tucked into an Executive Order that stated there are only two genders were these scientifically accurate statements regarding the beginning of human life. “‘Female’” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell. ‘Male’ means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell.” (emphasis added)
The Biden administration used your tax dollars to build, maintain and promote an aggressively pro-abortion website, www.abortionrights.gov. Hours after President Trump was sworn in the website went dark.
23 peaceful pro-life advocates were wrongly imprisoned under the FACE Act by Biden and sentenced to multiple years in federal prison. Several were elderly including a near-90-year-old woman who was a victim of the Jewish Holocaust. She survived the horrors of Hitler only to be persecuted by an American president.
While signing the Executive Order granting them a full and complete pardon, President Trump said, “This is a great honor to sign this.”
The President also directed the Department of Justice to limit charging Americans under FACE to “extraordinary circumstances.”
During the Washington, DC March for life our feet were cold, but our hearts were warmed when we watched a video address from President Trump in the Oval Office. His comments were uplifting and encouraging. In addition, the President sent Vice President JD Vance to address the March in person.
President Trump has publicly supported the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act passed by the House of Representatives but failed in the US Senate. It would have required that appropriate medical care be provided to babies who survived botched late-term abortions. Mr. Trump also mentioned the legislation in his video remarks to the March for Life.
The status of President Trump’s pro-life actions changes almost daily. But to those who during the presidential campaign understandably doubted his dedication to America’s unborn babies and their parents, TRUMP IS BACK!
We don’t yet know to what extent, but it’s a new day in our nation’s capital.
Defending Life,
Brad Mattes,
President, Life Issues Institute
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